
Basic details

Preferred term: Dermatitis
Alt. terms: inflammatory abnormality of the skin | Inflammatory skin disease | Skin inflammation

HPO term: Inflammatory abnormality of the skin
HPO code: HP:0011123

GenIA ID: 109
Last updated on: 2024-04-25 14:48:58

Cross ref. with other ontologies

NCIT: C2983
MESH: D003872
EFO: -
OAE: -
ICD10: L30


The presence of inflammation of the skin. That is, an abnormality of the skin resulting from the local accumulation of fluid, plasma proteins, and leukocytes. Signs include red rash, itching, and blister formation. Representative examples are contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Hierarchical classification

Reported patients added to GenIA DB

SubjectID Sex Fam.ID Age* Population MatchedTerm Diagnosis Reference &
101020 F 210008tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F005:P005]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.AU:II.3(II.3)]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 28 (11)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AM:II.4(157)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.199_01:28]
101036 F 210182tree icon - Caucasian Skin rash CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.B:II.2(B.II.1)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.B:II.2(B.II.1 (13))]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F014:III.2(P014)]; PMID:27418640 [P12(5)]; PMID:37740092 [P01]
101037 M 210182tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.B:II.4(B.II.3)]; PMID:30250467 [B.II.3]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.B:II.4(B.II.3 (15))]; PMID:27418640 [P13(5)]
101047 F 210205tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.A:II.5(A.II.3)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.A:II.5(A.II.3 (3))]
101049 F 210205tree icon - Caucasian Dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.A:III.15(A.III.5)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.A:III.15(A.III.5 (10))]
101051 F 210205tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.A:III.5(A.III.1)]; PMID:30250467 [A.III.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.A:III.5(A.III.1 (8))]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F018:III.1(P021)]; PMID:27418640 [P10(5)]
101062 M 212603tree icon - South Asian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:28368018 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]; PMID:30771411 [P9]; PMID:34673575 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
101084 F 211225 39 Eczema PMID:34975878 [Fam.F050:P050]
101088 M 211560 43 German Eczema PMID:34975878 [Fam.F054:P054]
101090 M 211257 40 Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:34975878 [Fam.F056:P056]; PMID:37740092 [P13]
101108 F 212364 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG009]
101110 M 212356 - Eczema Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome PMID:34390440 [HIES51]
101115 F 210778 - Caucasian Eczema NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F069:P069]; PMID:32278790 [AC.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CK:427]
101124 F 210216 58 German Psoriasiform dermatitis PMID:34975878 [Fam.F075:P075]
101125 M 210429 30 German Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 1 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F076:P076]; PMID:35486341 [P060]
101129 F 210906 33 German Chilblains PMID:34975878 [Fam.F078:P078]
101153 M 210757 - German Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES55]
101168 M 212349 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG015]
101172 F 212371 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG017]
101190 F 212374 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG020]
101191 M 212375 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES14]
101192 M 212376 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG021]
101193 F 212377 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG022]
101194 M 212378 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES49]
101195 F 212379 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES19]
101197 F 214344 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES18]
101199 F 211483 - German Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.YY:II.1(127)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F122:P122]
101204 M 211492 - German Cutaneous abscess PMID:34975878 [Fam.F126:P126]
101268 F 212145 2 Iranian Dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:22608502 [Fam.D:II.2(P5)]; PMID:29528757 [Case 8]; PMID:26707784 [P5]; PMID:28512785 [P16]
101384 M 210217 - German Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F134:P134]; PMID:32278790 [BN.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CZ:445]; PMID:36105815 [Y90S]
101386 F 212164 - Pakistani erythema nodosum Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:22981790 [P1(II.1)]; PMID:26707784 [P11]
101399 F 210189tree icon 2 German erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:28493328 [P6]; PMID:26922074 [Fam.Index:II.1(sister1)]
101409 M 212168 17 Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 | Pseudoxanthoma elasticum PMID:27057999 [II.2(II.2)]; PMID:27057999 [II.2(II.2)]
101433 M 210233 30 German Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 10 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F143:P143]
101446 M 212176 - North American Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:26206937 [P9]
101458 F 210656tree icon - Georgian erythema nodosum CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.E:II.3(E.II.3)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.E:II.3(E.II.3 (23))]; PMID:27418640 [P19(5)]
101461 M 210929 - German Cutaneous abscess NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F153:P153]; PMID:32278790 [Z.I.1]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 27 (11)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 6]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AL:151]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.830_01:27]
101469 F 210220tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F156:P156]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.089:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.089:II.2(II2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.089 (5):II.2(II2)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 5]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AB:IV.5(099)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.089:II.2(25)]
101472 F 212398 - Spanish Psoriasiform dermatitis PMID:30386343 [Fam.Patient:I.2(Mother)]
101477 M 212400 - Iranian Eczema Netherton syndrome PMID:34390440 [HIES31]
101479 F 210314tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F160:P160]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BF:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(13):II.1(Patient 2)]; PMID:27923702 [Fam.191:II.1(Patient 2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AO:II.2(164)]; GRID:001142 [Fam.#:II.2(FR036)]
101480 U 212454 - Italian Skin rash Severe combined immunodeficiency 9A, T-B- PMID:11133745 [P23]
101488 M 210401tree icon - German Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F163:P163]; PMID:32278790 [CG.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BW:II.1(350)]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 16]
101491 F 212457 - Hungarian Skin rash Severe combined immunodeficiency 9A, T-B- PMID:29410113 [Patient(II.1)]
101514 M 210220tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.089:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.089:I.1(I1)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.089 (5):I.1(I1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AB:III.3(093)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.089:I.1(24)]
101537 M 210949 51 Psoriasiform dermatitis PMID:34975878 [Fam.F178:P178]
101566 F 210575tree icon - German Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN94]; PMID:18835223 [UPN94]; GRID:000796 [UPN94(II.1)]
101569 F 210220tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F192:P192]; PMID:32278790 [AH.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AB:IV.3(097)]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 5]; GRID:001142 [FR023]
101570 M 212597 - German Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES45]
101572 M 212598 - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES46]
101575 M 210900 - German Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F198:P198]; PMID:28493328 [P2]
101576 M 212599 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES47]
101577 M 212600 - Eczema Immunodeficiency 31C PMID:34390440 [CMC12]
101580 M 212601 - Iranian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES17]
101582 F 212602 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG025]
101587 M 212604tree icon - Scottish Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:28368018 [Fam.2:II.1(P2)]; PMID:30771411 [P10(II.1)]; PMID:34673575 [Fam.2:II.3(P2)]
101591 M 212604tree icon 0 Scottish Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:28368018 [Fam.2:II.2(P3)]; PMID:30771411 [Fam.P10:II.2(P11)]; PMID:34673575 [Fam.2:II.2(P3)]
101592 M 212605tree icon - Moroccan Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:27965109 [P1(II.1)]; PMID:30771411 [P1]; PMID:31710310 [Patient]; PMID:32499645 [Case 1]; PMID:34135903 [Patient]
101596 M 212618tree icon 1 Jewish Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:29127144 [P1(II.1)]
101597 M 212618tree icon 0 Jewish Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:29127144 [Fam.P1:II.10(P2)]; PMID:30254128 [P7]; PMID:35767111 [P6]
101601 M 212619tree icon 0 Italian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]; PMID:30771411 [P2]; PMID:35967303 [Pt2]; PMID:35767111 [P2]
101604 M 212620tree icon - Italian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.B:II.1(P2)]; PMID:30771411 [P3]; PMID:35967303 [Pt1]; PMID:35767111 [P1]
101608 M 212621tree icon - Canadian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.C:II.1(P3)]; PMID:16019263 [case]; PMID:35967303 [Pt3]
101611 M 212622tree icon - Colombian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.D:II.4(P4)]
101616 F 211098 - Eczema PMID:34975878 [Fam.F211:P211]
101617 M 210994 16 Eczema Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F212:P212]
101622 F 212623tree icon - Moroccan Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.E:II.1(P5)]
101631 F 212624tree icon - Turkish Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.F:II.1(P6)]
101652 M 212629tree icon - Nepalese Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P4(II.1)]
101655 F 212630tree icon - Somali Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P5(II.2)]; PMID:35767111 [P3]
101667 M 212631tree icon - Moroccan Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P6(II.2)]; PMID:35767111 [P5]
101671 F 212632tree icon 0 Iranian Skin rash ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P7(IV.8)]; PMID:31710310 [Patient 2]
101674 F 212632tree icon 0 Iranian Skin rash ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [Fam.P7:V.1(P8)]
101687 F 212635tree icon 0 Nepalese Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P12(II.1)]
101690 F 212636tree icon - Jordanian Cutaneous abscess ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P13(IV.5)]
101693 M 212637tree icon - Nepalese Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P14(II.1)]
101712 M 212643 10 Jordanian Dermatitis Agammaglobulinemia 4 PMID:25893637 [P1(II.6)]
101723 F 210261tree icon - Asian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.D:I.2(D.I.2)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.D:I.2(D.I.2 (21))]
101726 M 210182tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.B:II.3(B.II.2)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.B:II.3(B.II.2 (14))]
101748 F 210573 - Eczema PMID:34975878 [Fam.F248:P248]
101756 F 210025 8 North American Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:26768763 [Fam.604:II.2(P13)]; PMID:26206937 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
101773 M 210876tree icon - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F413:P413]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BK:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CC:II.1(405)]; PMID:36105815 [R57C/1]
101791 M 210978 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34975878 [Fam.F255:P255]
101797 M 211108 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.QQ:II.1(97)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F258:P258]
101800 M 215769tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F259:P259]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.AT:III.2(III.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BT:IV.1(319)]; PMID:31803180 [Fam.C:III.1(III.1)]
101814 F 211527 - German Eczema NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F274:P274]; PMID:32278790 [AK.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CP:435]
101817 F 211536 - Acne vulgaris PMID:34975878 [Fam.F279:P279]
101830 F 212382 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG028]
101834 M 212351 - German Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES41]
101835 F 212354 - Cutaneous abscess IL-17RA deficiency | Immunodeficiency 31C PMID:34390440 [CMC07]; PMID:34390440 [CMC07]
101836 M 212346 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG029]
101849 F 211636 - Eczema Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F311:P311]
101850 M 212198 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG032]
101854 M 211650 74 Erythroderma PMID:34975878 [Fam.F316:P316]
101855 F 211657 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34975878 [Fam.F317:P317]
101866 M 210070 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG039]
101875 F 210086 - Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:34390440 [CMC19]
101880 M 212295 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG047]
101884 M 212237tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.A:III.3(A.II.3)]
101892 F 212241 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG048]
101895 M 212286 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG050]
101896 F 212289 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG051]
101903 M 212311 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG053]
101905 F 212317 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG054]
101907 F 212325 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG056]
101908 M 212335 - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES42]
101924 M 210094 - German Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 31C PMID:34390440 [CMC05]
101925 M 210095 - Indian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [CMC20]; PMID:28667753 [case]
101926 M 210096 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG062]
101927 M 210097 - Eczema Immunodeficiency 31C PMID:34390440 [CMC10]
101943 F 210113 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG075]
101946 F 211943 58 Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F406:P406]
101958 F 212666 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES40]
101961 M 212237tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.A:III.1(A.II.1)]
101962 M 212237tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.A:III.2(A.II.2)]
101963 F 213965 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG078]
101964 F 213976 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG079]
101970 F 214044 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG085]
101971 F 214045 - Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES43]
101973 F 214053tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.D:IV.6(D.II.4)]; PMID:34390440 [HIES52]
101974 F 214053tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.D:IV.3(D.II.2)]
101975 F 214053tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.D:IV.2(D.II.1)]; PMID:34390440 [HIES53]; PMID:31980991 [Case]
101979 M 214054 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG087]
101980 F 214063 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG088]
101981 F 214064 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG089]
101982 F 214072 - Omani Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES06]
101984 F 214091 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG091]
101985 F 214094 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG092]
101986 M 214100 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG093]
101987 F 214115 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG094]
101989 F 214121 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG096]
101990 F 214122 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG097]
101991 M 214123 - Turkish Eczema Immunodeficiency 103, susceptibility to fungal infection PMID:34390440 [HIES03]
101992 F 214128 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG098]
101993 F 214132 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG099]
101994 M 214135 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG100]
101995 M 214138 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG101]
101996 M 214139 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG102]
101997 F 214140 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG103]
101998 M 214141 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG104]
101999 F 214143 - Moroccan Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES38]
102000 M 214144 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG105]
102002 F 214149 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG107]
102003 M 214151 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG108]
102004 F 214153 - Moroccan Eczema PMID:34390440 [HIES01]
102005 F 214160 - Moroccan Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES39]
102006 F 214161 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG109]
102008 M 214164 - Peruvian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES36]
102010 F 214186 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG112]
102011 F 214187 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG113]
102013 F 214190 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG115]
102014 F 214191 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG116]
102015 M 214192 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG117]
102023 F 214205 - Skin rash PMID:34390440 [NEG125]
102024 F 214206 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG126]
102026 F 214214 - Iranian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES35]
102027 M 214215 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG128]
102029 M 214219 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG130]
102030 M 214220 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG131]
102031 M 214221 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES07]
102032 M 214223 - Skin rash PMID:34390440 [NEG132]
102033 M 214226 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES33]
102035 M 214232 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES34]
102040 M 214250 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG138]
102047 M 214258 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES13]
102052 M 214264 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES37]
102064 F 214284 - Qatari Eczema Netherton syndrome PMID:34390440 [HIES30]
102065 M 214285 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES23]
102067 M 214287 - Colombian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES44]
102074 F 214294 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES27]; PMID:32738296 [P2]
102076 M 214296 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES24]
102077 F 214297 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES10]
102078 M 214298 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG164]
102079 M 214299 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG165]
102080 M 214300 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG166]
102081 M 214301 - Egyptian Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG167]
102082 U 214302 - Egyptian Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES11]
102083 F 214302 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [NEG168]
102084 M 214303 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES02]
102085 M 214304 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES12]
102090 M 214309 -,- Dermatitis,Eczema Immunodeficiency 58 PMID:34390440 [HIES29]
102092 F 214311 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES48]
102096 M 214315 - Cutaneous abscess PMID:34390440 [NEG177]
102099 M 214318 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG180]
102100 F 214319 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG181]
102101 M 214320 -,- Turkish Dermatitis,Eczema Netherton syndrome PMID:34390440 [HIES32]
102105 M 214325 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG185]
102107 M 214329 - Portuguese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES26]
102109 M 214331 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG188]
102116 M 212357 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES05]
102117 F 214341 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES20]
102118 M 214342 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG195]
102119 M 214343 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES15]
102120 M 214344 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES21]
102121 M 214345 - Egyptian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES16]
102122 M 214346 - Eczema PMID:34390440 [NEG196]
102123 M 214347 - Macedonian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES50]
102124 F 214351tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.B:IV.5(B.II.4)]
102129 F 214351tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.B:IV.1(B.II.1)]
102131 F 214351tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.B:IV.7(B.II.6)]
102133 M 214352tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.C:II.1(C.II.1)]
102134 M 214352tree icon - Sudanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907690 [Fam.C:II.6(C.II.6)]
102138 M 214393tree icon - North American Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 14 PMID:27016798 [Fam.Patient:II.2(F)]; PMID:37876937 [Fam.A:II.1(A.3)]
102144 M 214565 - Iranian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES54]
102155 U 214597 - Italian Skin rash Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome 2 PMID:21538323 [P2]
102175 M 210725tree icon - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [Fam.H:II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.H:II.1(29)]
102180 F 214912 - Chinese (China) Erythroderma Severe combined immunodeficiency 9A, T-B- PMID:26476733 [P7]
102182 F 214681 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.R:III.1(46)]
102207 M 214915tree icon - Cutaneous abscess Tubulointerstitial kidney disease type 5 PMID:27392076 [Fam.2:II.2(II:2)]
102209 F 214915tree icon 0 Cutaneous abscess Tubulointerstitial kidney disease type 5 PMID:27392076 [Fam.2:III.1(III:1)]
102216 F 214916tree icon 0 Belgian Cutaneous abscess Severe congenital neutropenia 11 PMID:32325141 [Patient(II.1)]
102222 M 214917 0 German Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BY.I.1]; PMID:35486341 [P074]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DJ:467]; PMID:36105815 [W295C]
102239 F 214923tree icon 2 Brasilian Eczema ARPC1B deficiency GRID:000604 [case(II.2)]; PMID:37349293 [Fam.B:II.1(Patient)]
102245 M 214924tree icon - Afghanistani Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:33679784 [Fam.II-6:II.1(II-1)]
102250 M 214924tree icon 1 Afghanistani Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:33679784 [II-6(II.6)]; PMID:35767111 [P7]
102258 M 214926tree icon 0 Mexican Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:32683750 [case(II.3)]; PMID:36708766 [Fam.A:II.3(P2)]
102260 F 214926tree icon 0 Mexican Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:32683750 []; PMID:36708766 [Fam.A:II.2(P1)]
102262 F 214927tree icon - Japanese Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:29455859 [Fam.C:II.1]; PMID:34145065 [P5(II.1)]; PMID:29185156 [P2]
102270 F 214928tree icon 0 Japanese Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:29455859 [Fam.A:II.4]
102274 F 214929tree icon - German Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:34145065 [P1(II.2)]
102277 M 214930tree icon - North American Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:34145065 [P2(II.1)]
102281 M 214931tree icon - North American Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:34145065 [P3(II.2)]
102285 F 214932tree icon - North American Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:34145065 [P4(II.2)]
102288 M 214933tree icon - Italian Skin rash OAS1 immunodeficiency PMID:34145065 [P6(II.1)]
102357 M 214937tree icon - German Skin rash Otofaciocervical syndrome 2 PMID:32111619 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
102374 M 214944tree icon - Saudi Erythroderma Otofaciocervical syndrome 2 PMID:32111619 [Fam.C:V.I(P7)]
102396 F 214944tree icon - Saudi Erythroderma Otofaciocervical syndrome 2 PMID:32111619 [Fam.C:IV.4(P5)]
102397 F 214944tree icon 0 Saudi Eczema Otofaciocervical syndrome 2 PMID:32111619 [Fam.C:IV.5(P6)]
102410 F 214947tree icon 2 South Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4B PMID:28747427 [Fam.A:II.3(P1)]
102417 F 214946tree icon 1 Dutch Eczema Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome 2 PMID:31914175 [Fam.C:II.3]
102423 M 214949tree icon - French/Greek Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.A:I.2(P1)]
102436 F 214956tree icon - Bulgarian Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.C:III.1(P7)]
102439 M 214956tree icon - Bulgarian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.C:II.2(P6)]
102444 M 214957tree icon - Slovak Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.D:II.3(P8)]
102453 F 214959tree icon 0 Turkish Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.F:II.2(P10)]
102463 M 214961tree icon - European Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.H:II.1(P12)]
102477 M 214964tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4B PMID:30309848 [Patient(III.5)]
102648 M 214975tree icon - Czech erythema nodosum Immunodeficiency 98 with autoinflammation PMID:34981838 [Fam.1:II.1(Patient A)]
102649 M 214975tree icon - Czech erythema nodosum Immunodeficiency 98 with autoinflammation PMID:34981838 [Fam.1:II.2(Patient B)]
102677 M 214980tree icon 16 Pakistani Frequent skin infections JAK1 deficiency PMID:28008925 [Patient(II.4)]
102769 M 214985tree icon - Moroccan Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.A:II.2(P2)]
102772 M 214985tree icon - Moroccan Frequent skin infections PMID:29907691 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
102774 F 214985tree icon - Moroccan Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.A:II.4(P3)]
102775 F 214986tree icon - Afro-Caribbean Erysipelas Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.B:II.5(P4)]
102786 F 214988tree icon - Turkish Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.D:II.1(P6)]
102792 M 214989tree icon - Turkish Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.E:II.1(P7)]
102796 M 214990tree icon - Lebanese Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.F:II.5(P8)]
102865 F 214996tree icon - Italian Psoriasiform dermatitis ARPC1B deficiency | Hartnup disease PMID:35967303 [PtII-1(II.1)]; PMID:35967303 [PtII-1(II.1)]
102871 F 215001tree icon 0 Italian Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:8911612 [A.D.]; PMID:10206641 [Patient(II.2)]; PMID:33464451 [P1(II.2)]; PMID:28077132 [Fam.1:II.2(P1)]
102875 F 215001tree icon 0 Italian Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:8911612 [G.D.]; PMID:10206641 [Fam.Patient:II.3]; PMID:33464451 [Fam.P1:II.3(P2)]; PMID:28077132 [Fam.1:II.3(P2)]; PMID:11159512 [Patient]
102881 F 215003tree icon 0 Portuguese Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:20978268 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]; PMID:33464451 [P3]; PMID:28077132 [P7]; PMID:22590644 [Patient(II.1)]
102887 F 215005tree icon 0 Lebanese Skin rash T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:25173801 [Patient(II.1)]; PMID:33464451 [P5]; PMID:28077132 [P9]
102900 F 215007tree icon - Turkish Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:30903456 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]; PMID:33464451 [Fam.P12:II.2(P13)]; PMID:37419334 [P13(27)]
102916 F 215017 - Skin rash T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P5]; PMID:37419334 [P5(22)]
102923 F 215024 - Eczema T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P12]
102933 M 215034 - Skin rash T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P22]; PMID:37419334 [P22(22)]
102942 F 215041 - Italian Eczema T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P33]; PMID:37419334 [P33(22)]
102943 F 215042 - Italian Eczema T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P34]; PMID:37419334 [P34(22)]
102946 F 215045 - Italian Eczema T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P37]; PMID:37419334 [P37(22)]
102955 M 215054 - Italian Eczema T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P46]; PMID:37419334 [P46(22)]
102984 F 215074tree icon - European/American Eczema Immunodeficiency 97 PMID:31554793 [A.1(II.1)]
102990 F 215076tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 1]
102993 F 215077tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 2]
102996 M 215078tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 3]
102999 M 215079tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 4]
103002 F 215080tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 5]
103008 M 215081tree icon - North American Acne vulgaris PMID:23861857 [Fam.Patient:II.2]
103009 F 215082tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 6]
103012 M 215083tree icon - Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 7]
103015 M 215084tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17676033 [Patient 8]
103018 M 215085tree icon - Japanese Eczema Immunodeficiency 35 PMID:17676033 [Tyk2 Pt]; PMID:17088085 [Patient]
103021 F 215086tree icon - Gypsy Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.1:II.2(C1)]
103025 M 215086tree icon - Gypsy Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.1:III.1(C2)]
103026 M 215086tree icon - Gypsy Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.1:III.2(C3)]
103027 F 215087tree icon - Hungarian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN133]; PMID:18706697 [Fam.2:I.2(N1)]
103029 F 215087tree icon - Hungarian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.2:II.1(N2)]
103031 M 215088 - Hungarian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN134]; PMID:18706697 [Fam.3:K]
103032 M 215089tree icon - Hungarian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.4:II.1(S1)]
103038 F 215091 - Lebanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.6:F1]
103039 M 215092tree icon - Lebanese Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.7:II.1(CA1)]
103043 F 215093 - Polish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.8:B]
103044 M 215094 - Swedish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.9:SW]
103281 F 215111tree icon 0 Chinese (China) Skin rash Immunodeficiency 82 with systemic inflammation PMID:33782605 [Fam.1:II.2(P1)]
103288 F 215113tree icon 12 Hungarian Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 82 with systemic inflammation PMID:33782605 [Fam.3:II.1(P4)]
103293 M 215115 44 Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 82 with systemic inflammation PMID:33782605 [P6]
103473 F 215134tree icon - French Eczema Immunodeficiency 55 PMID:28414293 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]; PMID:14702466 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
103477 F 215134tree icon 1 French Eczema Immunodeficiency 55 PMID:28414293 [Fam.A:II.3(P2)]; PMID:14702466 [Fam.1:II.3(P2)]
103482 F 215136tree icon 9 British Folliculitis Immunodeficiency 55 PMID:28414293 [Fam.C:II.1(P4)]
103485 F 215137tree icon - French Eczema Immunodeficiency 55 PMID:28414293 [Fam.D:II.1(P5)]
103529 F 215153tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J001:I.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.1:I.2(Proband)]
103531 F 215153tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J001:II.1(Daughter1)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.1:II.1(Daughter)]
103538 F 215155tree icon 0 Mexican Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:36708766 [Fam.B:II.2(P3)]
103541 M 215155tree icon 0 Mexican Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:36708766 [Fam.B:II.1(P4)]
103547 M 215157tree icon - Mexican Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:36708766 [Fam.D:II.4(P6)]
103556 F 215158tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J002:III.1(Daughter)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.2:III.1(Daughter)]
103560 M 215158tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J002:II.2(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.2:II.2(Proband)]; PMID:23584561 [T3-2]
103563 F 215159tree icon 0 Admixed Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J005:II.1(Proband)]
103566 F 215160 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J006:Proband]; PMID:28587312 [P14]; PMID:21288777 [F384S]; PMID:23584561 [T2-2]
103567 F 215161tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J007:III.1(Daughter)]; PMID:28587312 [P40]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.3:III.1(Daughter)]
103569 F 215161tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J007:II.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.3:II.1(Proband)]
103577 F 215163 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J009:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [S611N]
103584 F 215166tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J011:II.2(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.4:II.2(Proband)]
103587 F 215166tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J011:II.1(Sister)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.4:II.1(sister)]
103591 F 215168tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J014:II.1(Proband)]; PMID:28587312 [P34]
103600 M 215170tree icon - Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J016:III.1(Son)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.5:III.1(Son)]
103604 M 215170tree icon - Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J016:II.2(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.5:II.1(Proband)]
103606 F 215170tree icon - Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J016:III.3(Daughter2)]; PMID:28587312 [P31]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.5:III.3(Daughter)]
103607 F 215171tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J017:II.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.6:II.1(Proband)]
103612 M 215171tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J017:II.4(Brother2)]; PMID:28587312 [P32]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.6:II.4(brother)]
103619 F 215174 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J022:Proband]; PMID:28587312 [P9]; PMID:23584561 [T2-1]
103622 M 215175tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J029:II.3(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.7:II.3(Proband)]
103626 F 215175tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J029:II.2(Sister2)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.7:II.2(sister2)]
103629 F 215175tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J029:III.2(Niece2)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.7:III.2(niece)]
103633 F 215177tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J035:II.1(Daughter)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.12:II.1(daughter)]
103635 M 215177tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J035:I.2(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.12:I.1(proband)]
103640 M 215179 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J053:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [P639A]
103641 F 215180 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J054:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [S465A]
103647 F 215182tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J074:II.1(Daughter)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.8:II.1(proband)]
103648 F 215182tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J074:I.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.8:I.2(mother)]; PMID:23584561 [T3-1]
103650 F 215182tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J074:II.2(Daughter2)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.8:II.2(sister)]
103655 F 215184tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J087:II.1(Daughter)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.9:II.1(Daughter)]
103656 M 215184tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J087:I.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.9:I.1(proband)]
103657 M 215185 - European/American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J088:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [R382L]
103663 F 215187tree icon - Latino Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J100:Proband]; PMID:28587312 [P41]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.10:I.2(proband)]; PMID:23584561 [T3-11]
103667 M 215188tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J112:I.1(Proband)]; PMID:21288777 [Fam.11:I.1(proband)]; PMID:23584561 [T3-7]
103668 M 215189tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J113:II.1(Proband)]; PMID:28587312 [P53]; PMID:23584561 [T2-13]
103671 F 215190 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J121:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [Q644del]; PMID:23584561 [T2/3-8/10]
103674 F 215191 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [Fam.1:II.1(P1.1)]
103675 M 215191 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [Fam.1:I.1(P1.2)]
103676 F 215193 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P2]
103677 M 215194 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P3]
103678 M 215195 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P4]
103679 M 215196tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P5]
103680 M 215197 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P6]
103681 F 215198tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [Fam.7:II.3(P7.1)]; PMID:17942886 [II-3(II.3)]
103682 M 215198tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [Fam.7:III.3(P7.2)]; PMID:17942886 [Fam.II-3:III.3(III-3)]
103683 M 215198tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [Fam.7:IV.1(P7.3)]; PMID:17942886 [Fam.II-3:IV.1(IV-1)]
103684 M 215201tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P8]
103685 M 215202tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P9]
103686 M 215203tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P10]
103687 M 215204tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P11]
103688 M 215205 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P12]
103689 M 215206 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P13]
103690 M 215207 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P14]
103691 M 215208 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P15]
103692 M 215209 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P16]
103693 F 215210 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P17]
103694 M 215211 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P18]
103695 M 215212tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P19]
103696 F 215213tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P20]
103697 M 215214tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P21]
103698 M 215215tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P22]
103699 M 215216tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P23]
103700 F 215217 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P24]
103701 M 215218tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P25]
103702 M 215219 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P26]
103703 F 215220tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P27]
103704 M 215221tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P28]
103705 M 215222 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P29]
103706 F 215223 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P30]
103707 M 215224tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P31]
103708 M 215225 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P32]
103709 M 215226 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P33]
103710 F 215227 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18602572 [P34]
103715 M 215228 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J012:Proband]; PMID:28587312 [P25]
103716 M 215229 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J013:Proband]; PMID:21288777 [F384L]
103717 F 215230 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:17881745 [Fam.J015:Proband]; PMID:28587312 [P18]; PMID:21288777 [F621V]
103732 M 215232tree icon 16 Georgian Jewish Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552285 [Fam.A:III.4(A-III-4)]
103733 F 215233tree icon 4 Georgian Jewish erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552285 [Fam.B:III.1(B-III-1)]
103759 M 215235tree icon - Georgian Jewish Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552285 [Fam.D:III.3(D-III-3)]
103780 M 215237tree icon 1 German erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552285 [Fam.F:II.3(F-II-3)]
103792 F 215243tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.1:III.3(1-2)]
103798 M 215243tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.1:II.4(1-1)]
103802 F 215243tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.1:III.4(1-3)]
103803 M 215244 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [2-1]
103804 M 215245tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.3:II.10(3-1)]
103805 F 215246 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [4-1]
103806 M 215247 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [5-1]
103807 M 215248tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.6:III.1(6-2)]
103808 F 215248tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.6:II.3(6-1)]
103810 F 215249tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.7:III.4(7-3)]
103811 F 215249tree icon - North American Eczema PMID:20093388 [Fam.7:II.5]
103812 M 215249tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.7:II.4(7-1)]
103813 F 215249tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.7:III.3(7-2)]
103814 M 215250 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [8-1]
103816 F 215252tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.10:II.1(10-2)]
103817 F 215252tree icon - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20093388 [Fam.10:I.1(10-1)]
103819 F 215253 2 Turkish Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24737293 [case]
103827 M 215255tree icon 3 Pakistani Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:25278816 [Fam.F750:II.1(P2)]
103830 F 215256tree icon - European Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.1:II.2(P1)]
103834 F 215257tree icon - European Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.2:II.3(P2)]
103839 M 215258tree icon - European Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.3:II.3(P3)]
103844 F 215259tree icon - European Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.4:II.2(P4)]
103848 M 215260tree icon - European Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.5:II.1(P5)]
103855 F 215262tree icon - Turkish erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.7:II.1(P7)]; PMID:26233953 [Fam.F2:II.2(P2)]
103858 M 215262tree icon - Turkish erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.7:II.2(P8)]; PMID:26233953 [Fam.F2:II.1(P3)]
103859 M 215263tree icon - Turkish erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:24552284 [Fam.8:II.1(P9)]; PMID:26233953 [Fam.F4:P5]
103877 F 215266tree icon - Finnish Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25038750 [P2]; PMID:25349174 [Fam.2:II.2(Patient 2)]; PMID:35677041 [Pt2]
103878 M 215267tree icon - Finnish Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25038750 [P3]
103879 M 215268tree icon - Finnish Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25038750 [P4]
103880 F 215269tree icon 2,2 Finnish Dermatitis,Erythroderma Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25038750 [P5]; PMID:25349174 [Fam.1:II.4(Patient 1)]
103914 F 215270 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K1:P1]
103916 M 215271 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K2:P2]
103917 F 215272tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K3:II.2(P4)]
103918 M 215272tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K3:I.1(P3)]
103921 F 215273 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K4:P5]
103922 F 215274 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K5:P6]
103923 M 215275tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K6:II.1(P8)]
103925 F 215275tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K6:I.2(P7)]
103926 F 215276 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K7:P9]
103927 F 215277 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K8:P10]
103928 M 215278 -,- Algerian Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K9:P11]
103929 M 215279 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K10:P12]
103930 F 215280 -,- Moroccan Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K11:P13]
103931 M 215281tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K12:II.2(P16)]
103933 F 215281tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K12:I.2(P14)]
103934 F 215281tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K12:II.1(P15)]
103935 F 215282 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K13:P17]
103936 M 215283 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K14:P18]
103937 F 215284 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K15:P19]
103938 M 215285 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K16:P20]
103939 F 215286 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K17:P21]
103940 F 215287tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K18:P22]
103944 M 215287tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K18:II.2(P23)]
103945 M 215289 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K19:P24]
103946 F 215290 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K20:P25]
103947 F 215291 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K21:P26]
103948 F 215292 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K22:P27]
103949 M 215293tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K23:II.2(P30)]
103951 M 215293tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K23:I.2(P28)]
103952 M 215293tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K23:II.1(P29)]
103953 F 215294 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K24:P31]
103954 M 215295 -,- Algerian Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K25:P32]
103955 F 215296 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K26:P33]
103956 M 215297 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K27:P34]
103957 M 215298tree icon - French Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K28:II.2(P59)]
103958 M 215298tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K28:I.1(P35)]
103961 F 215299 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K29:P36]
103962 F 215300tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K30:II.1(P38)]
103963 M 215300tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K30:I.1(P37)]
103965 F 215301 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K31:P39]
103966 F 215302 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K32:P40]
103967 M 215303 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K33:P41]
103968 F 215304 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K34:P42]
103969 F 215305tree icon -,- Pakistani Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K35:II.2(P45)]
103971 F 215305tree icon -,- Pakistani Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K35:I.2(P43)]
103972 M 215305tree icon -,- Pakistani Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K35:II.1(P44)]
103973 M 215306 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K36:P46]
103974 M 215307 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K37:P47]
103975 F 215308tree icon - French Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K38:II.1(P49)]
103977 F 215308tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K38:I.2(P48)]
103978 M 215309 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K39:P50]
103979 M 215310 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K40:P51]
103980 F 215311 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K41:P52]
103981 M 215312 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K42:P53]
103982 F 215313 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K43:P54]
103983 M 215314 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K44:P55]
103984 M 215315 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K45:P56]
103985 M 215316 -,- Portuguese Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K46:P57]
103986 M 215317 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K47:P58]
104052 F 215328tree icon - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN110]; GRID:000796 [UPN110(II.1)]
104053 M 215329 - Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:19891924 [Patient]
104054 F 215330 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN70]; PMID:18835223 [UPN70]; GRID:000796 [UPN70]
104055 F 215331 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN7]; PMID:18835223 [UPN7]; GRID:000796 [UPN7]
104056 M 215332 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN114]; GRID:000796 [UPN114]
104057 M 215333 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN86]; GRID:000796 [UPN86]
104058 F 215334 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN17]; PMID:18835223 [UPN17]; GRID:000796 [UPN17]
104059 M 215335 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN108]; GRID:000796 [UPN108]
104060 M 215336 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN15]; PMID:18835223 [UPN15]; GRID:000796 [UPN15]
104061 M 215337tree icon - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN19]; PMID:18835223 [UPN19]; GRID:000796 [UPN19(II.1)]
104062 F 215338 - Colombian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN29]; PMID:18835223 [UPN29]; GRID:000796 [UPN29]
104063 M 215339 - Colombian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN31]; PMID:18835223 [UPN31]; GRID:000796 [UPN31]
104064 M 215340 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN43]; GRID:000796 [UPN43]
104065 M 215341 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN56]; GRID:000796 [UPN56]
104066 M 215342 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN63]; GRID:000796 [UPN63]
104067 M 215343 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN73]; GRID:000796 [UPN73]
104068 F 215344 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN126]; GRID:000796 [UPN126]
104069 F 215345 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN128]; GRID:000796 [UPN128]
104070 M 215346 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN129]; GRID:000796 [UPN129]
104073 M 215349 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN135]; GRID:000796 [UPN135]
104074 F 215350 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN79]; PMID:18835223 [UPN79]; GRID:000796 [UPN79]
104075 M 215351 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN98]; GRID:000796 [UPN98]
104076 F 215352 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN25]; GRID:000796 [UPN25]
104077 F 215353 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN37]; GRID:000796 [UPN37]
104078 M 215354 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN44]; GRID:000796 [UPN44]
104079 F 215355 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN47]; GRID:000796 [UPN47]
104080 M 215356 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN61]; GRID:000796 [UPN61]
104081 M 215357 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN72]; GRID:000796 [UPN72]
104082 M 215358 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN77]; GRID:000796 [UPN77]
104083 M 215359 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN92]; GRID:000796 [UPN92]
104084 F 215360 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN95]; GRID:000796 [UPN95]
104085 F 215361 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN6]; PMID:18835223 [UPN6]; GRID:000796 [UPN6]
104086 M 215362tree icon - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN60]; GRID:000796 [UPN60(I.1)]
104087 M 215363tree icon - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN65]; GRID:000796 [UPN65(II.2)]
104088 F 215364 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN118]; GRID:000796 [UPN118]
104089 F 215365 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN130]; GRID:000796 [UPN130]
104090 F 215366 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN26]; GRID:000796 [UPN26]
104091 F 215367tree icon - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN2]; PMID:18835223 [UPN2]; GRID:000796 [UPN2(II.4)]
104092 F 215368 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN46]; GRID:000796 [UPN46]
104093 M 215369 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN102]; GRID:000796 [UPN102]
104094 M 215370 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN36]; GRID:000796 [UPN36]
104095 F 215371 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN57]; GRID:000796 [UPN57]
104096 M 215372 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN5]; PMID:18835223 [UPN5]; GRID:000796 [UPN5]
104097 M 215373 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN71]; PMID:18835223 [UPN71]; GRID:000796 [UPN71]
104098 F 215374 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN16]; PMID:18835223 [UPN16]; GRID:000796 [UPN16]
104099 M 215375 - Colombian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN32]; PMID:18835223 [UPN32]; GRID:000796 [UPN32]
104100 M 215376 - Colombian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN33]; PMID:18835223 [UPN33]; GRID:000796 [UPN33]
104101 F 215377 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN42]; GRID:000796 [UPN42]
104102 M 215378 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN45]; GRID:000796 [UPN45]
104103 F 215379 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN66]; GRID:000796 [UPN66]
104104 M 215380 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN67]; GRID:000796 [UPN67]
104105 M 215381tree icon - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN106]; GRID:000796 [Fam.UPN106:II.1]
104106 M 215382 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN115]; GRID:000796 [UPN115]
104107 M 215383 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN125]; GRID:000796 [UPN125]
104108 M 215384 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN104]; GRID:000796 [UPN104]
104109 M 215385 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN49]; GRID:000796 [UPN49]
104110 F 215386 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN109]; GRID:000796 [UPN109]
104111 M 215387 - Latino Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN27]; GRID:000796 [UPN27]
104112 F 215388 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN103]; GRID:000796 [UPN103]
104113 M 215389 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN18]; PMID:18835223 [UPN18]; GRID:000796 [UPN18]
104114 M 215390 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN116]; GRID:000796 [UPN116]
104115 M 215391 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN96]; GRID:000796 [UPN96]
104158 M 215393tree icon - Australian Dermatitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34137790 [Fam.B:II.2(P2)]
104165 M 215394tree icon -,- Indian Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34137790 [Fam.C:II.4(P3)]
104171 M 215395tree icon - Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34137790 [Fam.D:III.1(P5)]
104174 M 215395tree icon - Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34137790 [Fam.D:II.1(P4)]
104177 M 215396tree icon -,- Maori Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34137790 [Fam.E:I.1(P6)]
104190 F 215399 - Latino Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN30]
104191 F 215400 - Middle Eastern Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN136]
104192 F 215401 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN143]
104193 M 215402 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN147]
104194 M 215403 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN151]
104195 M 215404 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN152]
104196 M 215405tree icon - European Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN153(I.1)]
104199 F 215406 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN154]
104200 M 215407 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN157]
104201 F 215408 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN158]
104202 F 215409 - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN159]
104203 F 215410tree icon - European Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:000796 [UPN160(II.2)]
104248 M 215424 - Afro-American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P10]; PMID:23584561 [T2-10]
104250 F 215426 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P15]
104251 M 215427 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P16]; PMID:35059947 [Patient 4]
104252 F 215428 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P17]; PMID:21288777 [S668F]
104254 F 215430 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P19]
104255 M 215431 - Afro-American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P20]; PMID:32768442 [Patient 5]
104256 F 215432 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P21]; PMID:31493539 [P5]
104258 M 215434 - Afro-American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P26]; PMID:23584561 [T2-16]
104261 M 215437 - Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P33]
104263 F 215439 - Afro-American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P36]; PMID:23584561 [T2-17]
104264 F 215440 - North American Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28587312 [P39]
104268 M 215444tree icon - Ashkenazi Jewish Psoriasiform dermatitis Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:28153428 [Patient(II.2)]
104296 M 215449tree icon - Chinese (China) Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21107604 [Case(II.1)]
104300 F 215450tree icon - Greek Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20149460 [Patient]
104307 F 215451tree icon - North American Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:19483664 [Patient(II.1)]; PMID:26292779 [Co2]
104308 M 215451tree icon - North American Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:19483664 [Fam.Patient:I.1]
104311 M 215452 - Australian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18591410 [HIES1]
104312 M 215453 - Australian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18591410 [HIES2]
104313 M 215454 - Australian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18591410 [HIES3]
104314 F 215455tree icon - Australian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18591410 [HIES4]
104315 F 215456 - Australian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18591410 [HIES5]
104332 F 215471 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [W479C]; PMID:23584561 [T3-17]; PMID:26292779 [H3]
104336 F 215475 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [N472D]; PMID:23584561 [T2-9]
104340 M 215479 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [V637M]; PMID:23584561 [T2-15]
104349 M 215488 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [del371-380]; PMID:23584561 [T3-14]
104352 F 215491 13,- Caucasian Frequent skin infections ,Increased inflammatory response Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:26292779 [H2]
104353 M 215492 - Asian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:26292779 [Cr1]
104354 F 215493 - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:26292779 [Co1]
104355 M 215494 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:26292779 [H8]; PMID:22126402 [case]
104356 M 215495 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P1]
104357 M 215496 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P2]
104358 F 215497 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P3]
104359 F 215498 -,- French Caribbean Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P4]
104360 M 215499 -,- French Caribbean Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P5]
104361 M 215500 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P6]
104362 F 215501 -,- Pakistani Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P7]
104363 M 215502 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P8]
104364 F 215503 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P9]
104365 F 215504 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P10]
104366 M 215505 - French Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P11]
104367 F 215506 -,- Moroccan Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P12]
104368 F 215507 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P13]
104369 F 215508 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [V343F]
104370 M 215509 -,- Algerian Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P14]
104371 M 215510 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P15]
104372 M 215511 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P16]
104373 F 215512 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P17]
104374 F 215513 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P18]
104375 M 215514 -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P19]
104376 M 215515 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P20]
104377 M 215516 -,- French Dermatitis,Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P21]
104379 M 215187tree icon - Latino Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [Fam.10:II.1(son)]
104383 M 215517tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [Fam.13:II.1(proband)]
104385 F 215517tree icon - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:21288777 [Fam.13:I.2(mother)]
104386 M 215518tree icon - Ivorian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:37080116 [P19(II.1)]
104389 M 215519tree icon - Algerian Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:37080116 [P20(II.1)]
104392 F 215520tree icon - French Increased inflammatory response Systemic early-onset autoinflammation, vasculitis and hepatopathy PMID:36122175 [Patient]
104406 M 215524tree icon 3 Asian Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36216080 [Fam.Index:II.1(father)]
104410 M 215525tree icon 0 Japanese Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36538978 [Patient(II.2)]
104414 M 215526tree icon - Turkish Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36758835 [Patient(V.3)]
104438 F 215527tree icon - Middle Eastern Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
104444 F 215528tree icon - Spanish Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.B:II.2(P2)]
104461 M 215532tree icon 0 European Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.F:II.1(P8)]; PMID:37316763 [Patient(II.1)]
104465 M 215533tree icon 20 Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.G:II.1(P10)]
104473 M 215534tree icon 0 South Asian Skin rash Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.H:II.1(P11)]
104481 M 215536tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:IV.2(P14)]
104488 F 215536tree icon 34 Caucasian Cutaneous abscess Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:III.2(P13)]
104519 F 215537 - Gypsy Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [P1]
104520 M 215537 - Gypsy Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
104521 F 215538 - Gypsy Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [P3]
104522 F 215539 1 Gypsy Eczema ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [P4]
104532 M 215544tree icon - Caucasian Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin X-linked multisystem autoinflammatory disease with immune dysregulation PMID:36952639 [Fam.A:II.1(Patient A)]
104534 M 215546tree icon - Caucasian Folliculitis X-linked multisystem autoinflammatory disease with immune dysregulation PMID:36952639 [Fam.C:II.1(Patient C)]
104554 M 215551tree icon - Pakistani Skin rash Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:27523608 [Fam.1:V.2(V:2)]; PMID:27559085 [Fam.1:V.2(P1)]; PMID:35587511 [Fam.G:II.2(4)]; PMID:34797715 [P1]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.A:V.2(023)]
104568 F 215551tree icon - Pakistani Skin rash Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:27523608 [Fam.1:IV.3(IV:3)]; PMID:32231246 [IV:3(IV.3)]; PMID:27559085 [Fam.1:IV.1(P4)]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.A:V.6(027)]
104570 F 215551tree icon - Pakistani Skin rash Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:27523608 [Fam.1:IV.4(IV:4)]; PMID:27559085 [Fam.1:IV.3(NA)]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.A:V.7(028)]
104575 F 215552tree icon 0 Turkish Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:27559085 [Fam.2:II.1(P2)]; PMID:35587511 [Fam.I:II.2(4)]; PMID:34797715 [P2]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.B:II.1(035)]
104580 F 215553tree icon 0 Turkish Skin rash Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:27559085 [Fam.3:II.1(P3)]; PMID:35587511 [Fam.H:II.1(3)]; PMID:34797715 [P3]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.C:II.1(039)]
104583 F 215554tree icon 1 Arab Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:30804083 [Patient(III.2)]; PMID:35587511 [Fam.K:II.2(4)]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.D:IV.2(049)]
104592 F 215555tree icon 0 Iranian Cutaneous abscess Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:30796585 [Patient(V.3)]; PMID:35587511 [Fam.J:II.3(5)]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.E:V.3(065)]
104625 M 215559tree icon - Increased inflammatory response X-linked multisystem autoinflammatory disease with immune dysregulation PMID:37342957 [Fam.B:II.2(P2)]
104630 M 215560tree icon -,- Dermatitis,Increased inflammatory response X-linked multisystem autoinflammatory disease with immune dysregulation PMID:37342957 [Fam.C:II.2(P3)]
104661 F 215566tree icon - Belgian Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 107 PMID:35587511 [Fam.E:II.3(5)]; PMID:38914362 [Fam.K:II.3(099)]
104671 F 215568tree icon - Lebanese Eczema Severe early onset systemic inflammation and autoimmunity PMID:37349293 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
104678 F 215569tree icon 0 Iranian Pustule Severe early onset systemic inflammation and autoimmunity PMID:37349293 [Fam.2:II.2(P2)]
104715 M 215572tree icon - French Eczema Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [V-1(V.1)]
104771 M 215572tree icon - French Eczema Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:IV.5]
104773 F 215572tree icon - French Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:IV.7]
104796 M 215577tree icon - Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25213377 [Fam.D:II.4(D.II.1)]; PMID:27418640 [P5(4)]
104797 M 215577tree icon - Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25213377 [Fam.D:III.1(D.III.1)]; PMID:27418640 [P6(4)]
104845 F 215579tree icon - European Cutaneous abscess NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NZ (5):II.2(II2)]; PMID:29806948 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:30323807 [Fam.2:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AC:II.2(109)]
104846 F 215580 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 2 PMID:30307608 [1]
104847 M 215581 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 2 PMID:30307608 [2]
104848 F 215582 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 2 PMID:30307608 [3]
104849 F 215583 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 2 PMID:30307608 [4]
104850 M 215584 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 2 PMID:30307608 [5]
104851 M 215585 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 3 PMID:30307608 [6]
104855 F 215589 0 Egyptian Erythroderma Omenn syndrome 3 PMID:30307608 [7]
104864 F 215598tree icon - Eczema Immunodeficiency, common variable, 14 PMID:33864888 [S125]; PMID:37876937 [Fam.B:II.1(B.1)]
104881 F 215608 - Egyptian Skin rash Severe combined immunodeficiency 10A, T-B+ PMID:30307608 [27]
104883 F 215610 - Egyptian Skin rash Combined cellular and humoral immune defects with granulomas 1 PMID:30307608 [29]
104885 F 215612 - Egyptian Skin rash Severe combined immunodeficiency 9B, T-B- PMID:30307608 [31]
104916 M 215613tree icon - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [G.III.2]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.G:III.2(G.III.2 (27))]; PMID:25367873 [Fam.1:III.5(III.5)]
104953 F 215622tree icon - Dutch Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NA:II.14(II.14)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NL1:II.18(16)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NL1 (5):II.18(16)]; PMID:11583829 [Fam.1:II.17(II:17)]; PMID:16639407 [Fam.1:II.18(16)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AA:II.18(020)]
104970 M 215622tree icon - Dutch Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NA:III.13(III.13)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NL1:III.12(34)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NL1 (5):III.12(34)]; PMID:11583829 [Fam.1:III.12(III:12)]; PMID:16639407 [Fam.1:III.12(34)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AA:III.12(038)]
104987 F 215622tree icon - Dutch Folliculitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NA:IV.6(IV.6)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NL1:IV.6(48)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NL1 (5):IV.6(48)]; PMID:11583829 [Fam.1:IV.5(IV:5)]; PMID:16639407 [Fam.1:IV.5(48)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AA:IV.6(062)]
104989 F 215622tree icon - Dutch Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NA:IV.7(IV.7)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NL1:IV.8(49)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NL1 (5):IV.8(49)]; PMID:11583829 [Fam.1:IV.6(IV:6)]; PMID:16639407 [Fam.1:IV.6(49)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AA:IV.8(064)]
105008 F 215622tree icon - Dutch Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NA:III.27(III.27)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NL1:III.29(42)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NL1 (5):III.29(42)]; PMID:11583829 [Fam.1:III.20(III:20)]; PMID:16639407 [Fam.1:III.20(42)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AA:III.29(055)]
105019 M 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [P1(III.4)]
105023 M 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
105034 F 215628tree icon - Finnish Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25349174 [Fam.3:II.1(Patient 3)]
105043 F 215630tree icon - Caucasian erythema nodosum CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:27379089 [P9(II.1)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.BBB:II.1(BBB.II.1 (131))]
105058 F 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [Fam.P1:II.3(P4)]
105063 F 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [Fam.P1:III.2(P6)]
105066 F 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [Fam.P1:III.6(P3)]
105069 M 215624tree icon -,- French Dermatitis,Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:31346092 [Fam.P1:IV.1(P5)]
105102 M 215640tree icon 5 European Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.A:III.3(III.3)]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.A:III.3(III:3)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AU:III.3(236)]; PMID:32918165 [Fam.A:III.3(Index)]
105112 F 215646 - Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:27379089 [P5]; PMID:32278790 [BM.I.5]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 5 (10)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AJ:147]
105129 M 215647tree icon - Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:27379089 [Fam.1:c1(P1)]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BA:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(10):c1(Patient 1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AG:IV.1(143)]
105130 F 215647tree icon - Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:27379089 [Fam.1:c2(P2)]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BA:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(10):c2(Patient 2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AG:IV.2(144)]
105135 F 215649tree icon 0 Moroccan Skin rash Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome PMID:38914362 [Fam.M:II.1(107)]
105142 M 210314tree icon - German Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.BF:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(13):II.2(Patient 3)]; PMID:27923702 [Fam.191:II.2(Patient 3)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AO:II.3(165)]
105143 F 215650 - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [X.I.1]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 7 (13)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 7]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AP:168]; GRID:001142 [FR005]
105152 F 215655tree icon - Spanish Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [V.I.1]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 26 (11)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AK:I.2(149)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.827_01:26]
105162 M 215658tree icon 0 Australian Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome 2 PMID:38914362 [Fam.N:II.1(110)]; PMID:38630025 [Fam.1:II.1(Patient 1)]
105172 M 215659 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.T:II.1(T.II.1 (48))]; PMID:27102614 [Fam.A:II.1(1)]
105175 M 215660 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.Q:II.1(Q.II.1 (44))]; PMID:27102614 [Fam.B:I.1(2)]
105179 F 215661 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.L:I.2(L.I.2 (34))]; PMID:27102614 [Fam.C:I.2(mother)]
105180 M 215662 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.S:II.1(S.II.1 (47))]; PMID:27102614 [Fam.D:II.1(5)]
105190 F 215664 1 Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:27102614 [Fam.F:II.1(7)]
105209 M 215666tree icon - Finnish Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:II.1(F1.II-1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:II.1(171)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:II.1(F6:II:1)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:II.1(H67R/1)]
105212 F 215666tree icon - Finnish erythema nodosum NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:II.4(II.4)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.1 (9):II.4(F1.II-4)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:II.4(F1.II-4)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:II.4(174)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:II.4(F6:II:4)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:II.4(H67R/2)]
105219 F 215666tree icon 27 Finnish Increased inflammatory response NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:III.7(III.7)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.1 (9):III.7(F1.III-7)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:III.7(F1.III-7)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:III.7(181)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:III.7(F6:III:7)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:III.7(H67R/6)]
105220 F 215666tree icon - Finnish Skin rash NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:III.8(III.8)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.1 (9):III.8(F1.III-8)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:III.8(F1.III-8)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:III.8(182)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:III.8(F6:III:8)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:III.8(H67R/7)]
105221 M 215666tree icon 1 Finnish Eczema NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:IV.2(IV.2)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:IV.1(F1.IV-1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:IV.1(183)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:IV.1(F6:IV:1)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:IV.1(H67R/8)]
105231 M 215671tree icon - Finnish Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F2:III.2(III.2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.2 (9):III.2(F2.III-2)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.2:III.2(F2.III-2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AR:III.2(193)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.5:III.2(F5:III:2)]
105238 M 215672tree icon - Finnish Erysipelas NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F3:II.5(II.5)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.3 (9):II.5(F3.II-5)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.3:II.5(F3.II-5)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AS:II.9(204)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.3:II.9(F3:II:9)]; PMID:36892687 [II:5(II.5)]; PMID:38593810 [Fam.1:II.9(F1.II-5)]
105246 M 215674tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.AN:III.2(III.1)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(12):II.1(P9.2)]; PMID:28983403 [Fam.1:II.1(P9.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AT:III.2(226)]
105272 M 215681 - Saudi Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:28134088 [P1(II.1)]
105276 F 215684tree icon 1 Saudi Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome 2 PMID:38914362 [Fam.O:II.1(113)]; PMID:38630025 [Fam.2:II.1(Patient 2)]
105302 M 215686tree icon - European Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.C:II.5(II.5)]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.C:II.5(II:5)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AW:II.5(251)]
105314 F 215689 - European Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [F.II.1]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.F:II.1(II:1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AZ:265]; PMID:36105815 [V98D]
105332 U 215694 - European Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [M.II.1]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.M:II.1(II:1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BG:285]
105337 U 215699 - European Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [I.II.1]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.I:II.1(I:II-1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BC:268]
105351 M 215713 - Saudi Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:28831385 [PD]
105357 M 215719 9 Dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:29804237 [P1]
105363 F 215722 - Afro-American Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.X:II.1(X.II.1 (59))]; PMID:28366794 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
105370 F 215725 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.Z:III.1(Z.III.1 (67))]; PMID:27577878 [Fam.B:II.1(15.1)]
105412 F 215762tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.BB:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:30063981 [Fam.1:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BM:II.3(300)]
105413 F 215763tree icon 31 Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Immunodeficiency 107 PMID:38914362 [Fam.P:II.1(116)]; PMID:38129331 [case(II.1)]
105424 M 215766tree icon - Admixed Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.F:II.1(P8)]; PMID:25457153 [Fam.1:II.2(P1)]; PMID:25075846 [Fam.1:II.2(older-sib)]
105450 F 215770tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BI.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BU:II.1(337)]; PMID:31803180 [Fam.D:II.1(S7)]; PMID:34619682 [P.150]
105475 F 215776tree icon 20 European Eczema Ezrin immunodeficiency PMID:37301410 [P1(II.4)]
105488 M 215781 - Frequent skin infections Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28983403 [P2]
105489 F 215782 - Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:28983403 [P3]
105543 M 215797 - Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:28983403 [P7]
105549 F 215801 - Caucasian Skin rash CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29200144 [Fam.A:IV.1(P1)]
105591 F 215821 - Caucasian Eczema Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:24610295 [Fam.2:II.1(F2P2)]
105627 F 215822 - Caucasian Eczema Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:25352054 [Fam.1:III.2(P4)]
105628 F 215822 1 Caucasian Eczema Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:25352054 [Fam.1:III.3(P5)]
105659 F 215836 - Eczema Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:26437962 [Fam.A:II.2(Sibling 2)]
105676 M 215838tree icon - Ecuadorian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.AS:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CB:II.1(402)]
105679 M 215839tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.BH:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CD:II.1(409)]
105687 F 215840tree icon - Caucasian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.BL:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CE:I.2(416)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67Y:I.2(H67Y/1)]
105714 M 211370tree icon - Turkish Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.AJ:III.1(III.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BZ:III.1(380)]; GRID:001142 [Fam.*:III.1(FR095)]
105731 F 215843 - Russian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Q.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CH:424]
105740 U 215845 - Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [R.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CI:425]
105742 F 215847 - Brasilian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [AD.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CL:428]
105746 M 215851tree icon 14 Finnish Acne vulgaris Immunodeficiency, common variable, 14 PMID:34451894 [Patient(II.2)]; PMID:37876937 [Fam.C:II.2(C.1)]
105748 M 215852tree icon - Dutch Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.AM:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CA:I.1(397)]
105750 M 215853 - North American Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [AP.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CQ:436]
105762 F 215863 - Iranian Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BP.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DA:446]
105763 F 215864tree icon - Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.BQ:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DB:I.2(448)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.D186Y:I.1(D186Y/1)]
105775 F 215868 - German Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BX.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DI:466]; PMID:36105815 [Y286N]
105779 F 215872 - Turkish Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [CC.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DN:474]
105780 F 215873 - German Frequent skin infections NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [CD.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DO:475]
105797 M 215879 - Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:33864888 [S041]
105852 M 215893tree icon - Erythroderma Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:33864888 [S170(II.1)]
105898 F 215901tree icon 24 Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.DY:II.1(544)]; PMID:34825039 [Fam.1:II.1(index)]
105902 F 215903tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:36917542 [Fam.A:II.1(elder-sister)]
105903 F 215903tree icon - Caucasian Skin rash Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:36917542 [Fam.A:II.2(young-sister)]
105911 F 215906tree icon 11 French Acne vulgaris Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.A:III.1(P2)]
105915 M 215906tree icon - French Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.A:II.2(P1)]
105957 M 215914 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.P:II.2(P.II.2 (43))]
105976 M 215918 - Japanese Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.W:II.1(W.II.1 (55))]; PMID:35087518 [Fam.15:II.1(15.2)]
105978 F 215918 - Japanese Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.W:II.3(W.II.3 (57))]; PMID:30048690 [Fam.2:II.3(P2.3)]; PMID:35087518 [Fam.15:II.3(15.4)]
105986 F 215921tree icon - Psoriasiform dermatitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FG:II.2(630)]; PMID:36203612 [Fam.1:II.2(1.II.1)]
106016 F 215725 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.Z:I.2(Z.I.2 (62))]
106017 M 215725 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.Z:II.3(Z.II.2 (64))]
106023 M 215923 - Japanese Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.AA:IV.1(AA.IV.1 (69))]; PMID:30048690 [Fam.4:IV.1(P4.2)]; PMID:35087518 [Fam.16:IV.1(16.2)]
106036 F 215924 - Japanese Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.CC:II.1(CC.II.1 (73))]; PMID:30048690 [Fam.5:II.1(P5.1)]; PMID:35087518 [18.1]
106041 M 215926 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.EE:II.1(EE.II.1 (76))]
106062 M 210991 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.NN:II.13(NN.II.11 (94))]
106069 F 215932 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.RR:II.1(RR.II.1 (98))]
106071 M 215934 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.TT:I.2(TT.I.1 (100))]
106077 M 215934 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.TT:II.4(TT.II.4 (103))]
106099 M 210955 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.ZZ:II.1(ZZ.II.1 (129))]
106105 M 215950 - Caucasian Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.CCC:II.1(CCC.II.1 (132))]
106144 F 215953 - Italian Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:33464451 [P8]; PMID:37419334 [P8(27)]
106150 F 215955 - Turkish Erythroderma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:33464451 [P10]
106153 F 215035tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:33464451 [Fam.P14:I.1(P17)]; PMID:37419334 [P17(22)]
106155 M 215035tree icon - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:33464451 [Fam.P14:II.2(P16)]; PMID:37419334 [P16(27)]
106156 M 215035tree icon - Caucasian Erythroderma T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:33464451 [Fam.P14:III.3(P18)]; PMID:37419334 [P18(27)]
106178 M 215974tree icon 18 Finnish Eczema NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FL:III.2(672)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.1:III.2(F1:III:2)]; PMID:38593810 [Fam.2:II.2(F2.II-1)]
106209 F 215975tree icon 22 Finnish Erysipelas NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FM:III.3(694)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.2:III.3(F2:III:3)]
106240 F 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:IV.14(UU.IV.12 (120))]; PMID:29305966 [IV.2(IV.2)]
106246 F 215977 - Caucasian Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.11(UU.III.7 (111))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.2(III.2)]
106248 F 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.15(UU.III.10 (113))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.4(III.5)]
106249 F 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.9(UU.III.6 (110))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.5(III.6)]
106250 M 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.5(UU.III.4 (109))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.6(III.8)]
106259 F 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.2(UU.III.2 (107))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.12(III.4)]
106274 M 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:IV.2(UU.IV.2 (115))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:IV.11(IV.7)]
106279 M 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:V.2(UU.V.2 (122))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:V.1(V.1)]
106281 M 215977 -,- Caucasian Dermatitis,Psoriasiform dermatitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:V.1(UU.V.1 (121))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:V.3(V.3)]
106288 F 215980tree icon - Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 107 PMID:38914362 [Fam.Q:II.6(125)]; PMID:38578307 [Fam.1:II.5(Patient)]
106313 F 215982 - Caucasian Folliculitis CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [P1]
106332 F 215988tree icon - Dermatitis T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:37419334 [P1(43)(II.2)]; PMID:34860543 [Fam.1:II.2(P1)]
106367 F 216003tree icon 5 Turkish Skin rash Immunodeficiency 117 PMID:36736301 [Fam.B:II.1(P2)]
106413 M 216011tree icon - Indian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:38578568 [Fam.1:II.2(index)]
106415 F 216011tree icon - Indian Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:38578568 [Fam.1:I.2(mother)]
106419 F 216013tree icon 0 Eczema T-negative/B-positive SCID type 1 PMID:7481768 [AP(II.1)]
106422 F 216014 - Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.DX:541]; PMID:34447408 [1(I.1)]
106448 F 216016tree icon 0 Japanese erythema nodosum Autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome 2 PMID:38914362 [Fam.R:II.1(130)]; PMID:38652464 [Fam.1:II.1(Patient)]
106463 F 216023tree icon - Japanese Skin rash NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FX:II.3(779)]; PMID:38514645 [Fam.1:II.3(proband)]
106471 M 216025 - Egyptian Skin rash Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:32506362 [P6]
106478 F 216031 - Egyptian Skin rash Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:32506362 [P13]
106491 F 216044tree icon 2 Cutaneous abscess Immunodeficiency 22 PMID:22985903 [Fam.1:II.1(patient)]
106547 M 216075tree icon -,- Dutch Dermatitis,Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.C:II.1(P4)]; PMID:25888558 [Fam.1:III.1(P1)]
106551 M 216075tree icon - Dutch Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.C:II.2(P5)]; PMID:25888558 [Fam.1:III.2(P2)]
106555 M 216078tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]; PMID:25075845 [Fam.1:II.2(Young-bro)]
106558 M 216078tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.A:II.2(P2)]; PMID:25075845 [Fam.1:II.1(Old-bro)]
106577 F 216081tree icon - Caucasian Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.D:II.2(P6)]
106581 F 216082tree icon - Caucasian Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26867732 [Fam.E:II.1(P7)]
106592 M 216085 14 Eczema CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:34116213 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
106596 F 216087tree icon - French Eczema Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:I.2(P1)]
106599 M 216087tree icon - French Eczema Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:II.1(P2)]
106600 M 216087tree icon - French Eczema Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:II.2(P3)]
106653 F 216100 0 Chinese (China) Pustule T-negative/B-positive SCID type 1 PMID:36466884 [Pt1(II.2)]
106750 F 216121tree icon 0 Palestinian Erythroderma T-negative/B-positive SCID type 1 PMID:32921793 [Fam.B:II.1(P1-B)]
106753 F 216122tree icon 0 Chinese (China) Skin rash T-negative/B-positive SCID type 1 PMID:31309596 [Pt(II.2)]
106761 F 216124tree icon 1,2 Caucasian Dermatitis,Erythroderma T-negative/B-positive SCID type 1 PMID:28916186 [P5]; PMID:31440277 [pt(II.1)]
106767 M 216125 5 Cutaneous abscess Combined immunodeficiency 14B PMID:31449058 [P1(II.1)]
106776 M 216127 - Brasilian Skin rash PMID:30177960 [Fam.Fam 1:III.7]
106787 M 216138 - Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:34619682 [P.278]
106788 F 216139 - Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:34619682 [P.71]
106793 F 216144 - Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34619682 [P.246]
106807 F 216145tree icon - German Psoriasiform dermatitis Immunodeficiency, common variable, 14 PMID:34619682 [P.159]; PMID:39059757 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
106871 F 216178 - Japanese Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:33529688 [Fam.3:II.1(P4)]
106872 M 216178 0 Japanese Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:33529688 [Fam.3:II.2(P5)]
106875 F 216179 0 Japanese Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:33529688 [Fam.4:II.3(P6)]
106880 F 216180 - Japanese Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:33529688 [Fam.5:II.2(P7)]
106889 M 216182tree icon 3 Caucasian Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:28830446 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
106932 M 216188tree icon 5 Jewish Increased inflammatory response Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:25075848 [patient]; PMID:30139808 [Fam.1:II.5(P)]
106939 M 216189tree icon - Caucasian Eczema NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FW:II.1(772)]; PMID:38423196 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
106953 M 216195 - Increased inflammatory response NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.GA:793]; PMID:38901617 [Fam.1:I.1(P1)]
106959 M 216200 - Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:30092289 [P17]; PMID:35677041 [Pt9]
107095 M 216331 1 Japanese Skin rash Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:33501615 [P2]
107103 M 216335tree icon 0 Chinese (China) Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:35677041 [Pt1(II.2)]
107110 M 216339tree icon 14 Indian Neutrophilic infiltration of the skin Autoinflammation with episodic fever and immune dysregulation PMID:38609546 [P1(IV.2)]
107143 M 216360 - Turkish erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26233953 [Fam.F3:P4]
107149 M 216363 - Iranian Frequent skin infections Severe congenital neutropenia 6 PMID:37120535 [Fam.1:I.3(P1)]
107151 M 216364tree icon - Turkish Cutaneous abscess Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:39437980 [Fam.A:II.1(Patient 1)]
107156 F 216365tree icon 1 Turkish Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:39437980 [Fam.B:II.2(Patient 2)]
107164 F 216366tree icon - Sri Lankan Tamil Eczema Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:26607704 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
107175 M 216368 - Berber Eczema IL-17RA deficiency PMID:26607704 [IL17RA-case]; PMID:21350122 [Fam.A:II.5(P1)]
107208 F 216373tree icon - Indian Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:27059682 [Fam.B:II.1(B1)]
107211 M 216373tree icon - Indian Skin rash Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:27059682 [Fam.B:II.2(B2)]
107224 F 216380 13 Singaporean erythema nodosum Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:27069017 [Patient]
107247 F 216396 - Increased inflammatory response Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:001501 [case]
107248 F 216397 1 Kuwaiti Eczema Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 GRID:001502 [Patient]
107249 F 216398tree icon - Argentinian Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:35677041 [Pt7]; PMID:29378236 [Fam.1:Patient 1]
107252 M 216399tree icon - North American Eczema Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:29378236 [Fam.2:II.2(Patient 2)]

*Age: age reported at the first known time of manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).