Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin

Basic details

Preferred term: Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin
Alt. terms:

HPO term: Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin
HPO code: HP:0003347

GenIA ID: 3051
Last updated on: 2021-08-02 21:50:33

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Normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, when stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) are cytotoxic for homologous and heterologous cells but not for autologous cells in monolayer culture. The cytotoxic effect is thought to be indicative of the immunological competence of the lymphocytes. Note: The response of lymphocytes to PHA is measured by their ability to transform and to undergo mitosis.

Hierarchical classification


Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin

CHILD terms

Reported patients added to GenIA DB

SubjectID Sex Fam.ID Age* Population MatchedTerm Diagnosis Reference &
106390 M 216005 - Impaired lymphocyte transformation with phytohemagglutinin CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:32996901 [Patient(II.1)]

*Age: age reported at the first known time of manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).