
Basic details

Preferred term: Allergy
Alt. terms: Allergy, unspecified | allergic reaction | allergies

HPO term: Allergy
HPO code: HP:0012393

GenIA ID: 39
Last updated on: 2021-12-10 17:55:48

Cross ref. with other ontologies

OAE: -
ICD10: T78.4


An allergy is an immune response or reaction to substances that are usually not harmful.

Hierarchical classification

Reported patients added to GenIA DB

SubjectID Sex Fam.ID Age* Population MatchedTerm Diagnosis Reference &
101015 M 210203 32 German Allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [Fam.MM:II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.MM:II.1(87)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F002:P002]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 3]
101017 F 210232 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F003:P003]
101019 F 210316 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F004:P004]
101024 F 210927 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F009:P009]
101025 M 210937 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F010:P010]
101026 M 210215 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F011:P011]
101051 F 210205tree icon - Caucasian Drug allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.A:III.5(A.III.1)]; PMID:30250467 [A.III.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.A:III.5(A.III.1 (8))]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F018:III.1(P021)]; PMID:27418640 [P10(5)]
101058 M 210120 - Allergy Immunodeficiency 31C PMID:34390440 [CMC21]
101059 M 211386 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F030:P030]; PMID:31057532 [Fam.F:II.1]
101076 F 210226 47 German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F041:P041]
101081 F 211315 46 Pollen allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F047:P047]
101084 F 211225 35 Drug allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F050:P050]
101085 F 210196 36 Drug allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F051:P051]
101090 M 211257 - Allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:34975878 [Fam.F056:P056]; PMID:37740092 [P13]
101091 M 210911 26 Drug allergy DiGeorge syndrome PMID:34975878 [Fam.F057:P057]; PMID:35486341 [P180]
101093 M 211289 -,56 German Allergy,Drug allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F059:P059]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 4]
101100 F 211413 - Drug allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F063:P063]
101102 M 211415 - Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F064:P064]
101103 F 211424 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F065:P065]
101115 F 210778 33 Caucasian Drug allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F069:P069]; PMID:32278790 [AC.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CK:427]
101122 M 210197tree icon 25 Italian Drug allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F073:P073]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DZ:II.2(548)]
101129 F 210906 45 German Drug allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F078:P078]
101131 F 210337 60 German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F080:P080]
101136 M 210356 - Allergic rhinitis PMID:34975878 [Fam.F085:P085]
101137 M 211224 - Dust mite allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F398:P398]
101147 F 211145 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F090:P090]
101153 M 210757 37 German Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES55]
101155 M 210235 - German Allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [JJ.II.I]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.JJ:II.1(83)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F098:P098]
101160 F 211433 - Allergy Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F101:P101]
101162 F 211457 - Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F103:P103]
101164 F 211460 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F105:P105]
101165 M 211461 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F106:P106]
101203 M 211488 - Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F125:P125]
101206 F 211500 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F129:P129]
101268 F 212145 2 Iranian Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:22608502 [Fam.D:II.2(P5)]; PMID:29528757 [Case 8]; PMID:26707784 [P5]; PMID:28512785 [P16]
101362 F 210895 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F131:P131]
101370 F 210424 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F133:P133]
101401 F 210205tree icon - Caucasian Drug allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.A:II.17(A.II.9)]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.A:II.17(A.II.9 (6))]; PMID:27418640 [P9(5)]
101444 F 210640 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F145:P145]
101450 F 210409 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F149:P149]
101461 M 210929 - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F153:P153]; PMID:32278790 [Z.I.1]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 27 (11)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 6]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AL:151]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.830_01:27]
101469 F 210220tree icon - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F156:P156]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.089:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.089:II.2(II2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.089 (5):II.2(II2)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 5]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AB:IV.5(099)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.089:II.2(25)]
101475 F 210730 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F157:P157]
101479 F 210314tree icon - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F160:P160]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BF:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.(13):II.1(Patient 2)]; PMID:27923702 [Fam.191:II.1(Patient 2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AO:II.2(164)]; GRID:001142 [Fam.#:II.2(FR036)]
101485 F 210498 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F162:P162]
101488 M 210401tree icon - German Allergic rhinitis NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F163:P163]; PMID:32278790 [CG.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BW:II.1(350)]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 16]
101498 F 210486 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F167:P167]
101514 M 210220tree icon - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.089:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.089:I.1(I1)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.089 (5):I.1(I1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AB:III.3(093)]; PMID:27461466 [Fam.089:I.1(24)]
101519 F 210437 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F172:P172]
101544 F 211170 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F180:P180]
101553 M 210256 - German Drug allergy Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F182:P182]
101555 F 210756 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F183:P183]
101564 M 210361 - German Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F187:P187]
101567 M 211025 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F189:P189]
101575 M 210900 - German Drug allergy Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F198:P198]; PMID:28493328 [P2]
101585 F 210671 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F203:P203]
101592 M 212605tree icon - Moroccan Allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:27965109 [P1(II.1)]; PMID:30771411 [P1]; PMID:31710310 [Patient]; PMID:32499645 [Case 1]; PMID:34135903 [Patient]
101601 M 212619tree icon - Italian Food allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30254128 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]; PMID:30771411 [P2]; PMID:35967303 [Pt2]; PMID:35767111 [P2]
101617 M 210994 53 Drug allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F212:P212]
101629 F 210990 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F218:P218]
101635 F 211154 - German Allergy Severe combined immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F221:P221]
101639 F 210928 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F222:P222]
101644 F 210918 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F224:P224]
101660 F 211014 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F229:P229]
101664 M 211085 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F232:P232]
101669 M 211549 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F234:P234]
101671 F 212632tree icon - Iranian Dust mite allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [P7(IV.8)]; PMID:31710310 [Patient 2]
101674 F 212632tree icon - Iranian Dust mite allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:30771411 [Fam.P7:V.1(P8)]
101708 F 211547 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F246:P246]
101773 M 210876tree icon - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:34975878 [Fam.F413:P413]; PMID:32278790 [Fam.BK:II.1(II.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CC:II.1(405)]; PMID:36105815 [R57C/1]
101801 M 211151 - Dust mite allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:34975878 [Fam.F260:P260]; PMID:37740092 [P20]
101812 F 211521 - Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F271:P271]
101817 F 211536 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F279:P279]
101821 F 210122 - Allergy PMID:34390440 [NEG027]
101834 M 212351 - German Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES41]
101837 M 211589 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F298:P298]
101841 F 211599 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F302:P302]
101849 F 211636 - Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F311:P311]
101926 M 210096 - Allergy PMID:34390440 [NEG062]
101951 M 212062 - Allergy PMID:34975878 [Fam.F375:P375]
101987 F 214115 - Allergy PMID:34390440 [NEG094]
102052 M 214264 - Food allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:34390440 [HIES37]
102090 M 214309 - Allergy Immunodeficiency 58 PMID:34390440 [HIES29]
102120 M 214344 - Egyptian Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES21]
102169 F 214848 - South Korean Allergic rhinitis Atopic dermatitis 2 | Ichthyosis vulgaris PMID:25997159 [AD11]; PMID:25997159 [AD11]
102170 M 214849 - South Korean Allergic rhinitis Atopic dermatitis 2 | Ichthyosis vulgaris PMID:25997159 [AD48]; PMID:25997159 [AD48]
102222 M 214917 60,- German Allergy,Drug allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BY.I.1]; PMID:35486341 [P074]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DJ:467]; PMID:36105815 [W295C]
102223 F 214918 - German Drug allergy Familial autoinflammatory Behcet-like syndrome PMID:35486341 [P191]
102224 F 214919 50 German Drug allergy DiGeorge syndrome PMID:35486341 [P017]
102250 M 214924tree icon 1 Afghanistani Food allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:33679784 [II-6(II.6)]; PMID:35767111 [P7]
102258 M 214926tree icon - Mexican Food allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:32683750 [case(II.3)]; PMID:36708766 [Fam.A:II.3(P2)]
102427 M 214950tree icon 0 French Dust mite allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.B:II.3(P5)]
102436 F 214956tree icon - Bulgarian Dust mite allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:32207811 [Fam.C:III.1(P7)]
102474 M 214963tree icon - Admixed Food allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4B PMID:33771552 [Patient(II.1)]
102477 M 214964tree icon - Turkish Food allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4B PMID:30309848 [Patient(III.5)]
102719 F 214981tree icon - Canadian Drug allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:28111307 [Fam.1:II.2(Patient)]; PMID:36546480 [Fam.1:II.2(II-2)]
102729 M 214981tree icon 0 Canadian Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:28111307 [Fam.1:III.1]; PMID:36546480 [Fam.1:III.1(III-1)]
102730 M 214981tree icon 0 Canadian Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:28111307 [Fam.1:III.2]; PMID:36546480 [Fam.1:III.2(III-2)]
102735 F 214983tree icon 2 North American Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:32750333 [Patient(II.2)]
102769 M 214985tree icon - Moroccan Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.A:II.2(P2)]
102775 F 214986tree icon - Afro-Caribbean Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.B:II.5(P4)]
102782 F 214987tree icon - Iranian Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.C:II.2(P5)]
102796 M 214990tree icon - Lebanese Allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 3 PMID:29907691 [Fam.F:II.5(P8)]
103044 M 215094 -,- Swedish Allergy,Food allergy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:18706697 [Fam.9:SW]
103485 F 215137tree icon - French Food allergy Immunodeficiency 55 PMID:28414293 [Fam.D:II.1(P5)]
103538 F 215155tree icon 1 Mexican Food allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:36708766 [Fam.B:II.2(P3)]
103877 F 215266tree icon 1,- Finnish Allergy,Food allergy Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:25038750 [P2]; PMID:25349174 [Fam.2:II.2(Patient 2)]; PMID:35677041 [Pt2]
104403 M 215524tree icon - Asian Allergic rhinitis Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36216080 [Index(III.1)]
104406 M 215524tree icon 8 Asian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36216080 [Fam.Index:II.1(father)]
104409 F 215524tree icon 1 Asian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36216080 [Fam.Index:III.3(sister2)]
104410 M 215525tree icon 0 Japanese Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36538978 [Patient(II.2)]
104414 M 215526tree icon - Turkish Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36758835 [Patient(V.3)]
104438 F 215527tree icon -,1 Middle Eastern Allergy,Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.A:II.1(P1)]
104444 F 215528tree icon - Spanish Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.B:II.2(P2)]
104449 M 215529tree icon 2 Middle Eastern Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.C:II.1(P4)]
104450 F 215529tree icon - Middle Eastern Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.C:I.1(P3)]
104453 F 215530tree icon - European Drug allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.D:II.1(P5)]
104458 M 215531tree icon 0 East Asian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.E:II.1(P6)]
104461 M 215532tree icon - European Allergic rhinitis Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.F:II.1(P8)]; PMID:37316763 [Patient(II.1)]
104462 F 215532tree icon 5 European Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.F:I.1(P7)]; PMID:37316763 [Fam.Patient:I.2(mother)]
104464 M 215532tree icon - European Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.F:II.2(P9)]; PMID:37316763 [Fam.Patient:II.2(brother)]
104465 M 215533tree icon - Pollen allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.G:II.1(P10)]
104473 M 215534tree icon - South Asian Drug allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.H:II.1(P11)]
104481 M 215536tree icon - Caucasian Pollen allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:IV.2(P14)]
104488 F 215536tree icon - Caucasian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:III.2(P13)]
104491 M 215536tree icon - Caucasian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:IV.3(P15)]
104492 F 215536tree icon 1 Caucasian Food allergy Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.J:IV.4(P16)]
104519 F 215537 - Gypsy Pollen allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [P1]
104520 M 215537 - Gypsy Food allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [Fam.P1:II.2(P2)]
104521 F 215538 - Gypsy Dust mite allergy ARPC1B deficiency PMID:31379835 [P3]
104715 M 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [V-1(V.1)]
104741 M 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:III.6]
104771 M 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:IV.5]
104773 F 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:IV.7]
104775 F 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:IV.9]
104782 M 215572tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:37343845 [Fam.V-1:V.2]
104796 M 215577tree icon 20 Allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25213377 [Fam.D:II.4(D.II.1)]; PMID:27418640 [P5(4)]
104797 M 215577tree icon -,- Atopy,Food allergy CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25213377 [Fam.D:III.1(D.III.1)]; PMID:27418640 [P6(4)]
105013 M 215623tree icon 36 Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:29803798 [Patient(II.2)]
105075 M 215636 - Spanish Food allergy Combined immunodeficiency 36 PMID:35464398 [P5(II.1)]
105143 F 215650 - German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [X.I.1]; PMID:29403474 [Patient 7 (13)]; PMID:27923702 [Patient 7]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AP:168]; GRID:001142 [FR005]
105221 M 215666tree icon 1 Finnish Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F1:IV.2(IV.2)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.1:IV.1(F1.IV-1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AQ:IV.1(183)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.6:IV.1(F6:IV:1)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.H67R:IV.1(H67R/8)]
105231 M 215671tree icon 10 Finnish Pollen allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.F2:III.2(III.2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.2 (9):III.2(F2.III-2)]; PMID:28115215 [Fam.2:III.2(F2.III-2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AR:III.2(193)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.5:III.2(F5:III:2)]
105433 F 215768tree icon - Danish Atopy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [AQ.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BX:II.2(359)]; PMID:32047491 [P2(I.1)]; PMID:36105815 [N323Y]
105694 F 215842tree icon 37 German Allergy NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.Y:II.1(Y.II.1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.CG:II.1(423)]
105911 F 215906tree icon - French Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.A:III.1(P2)]
105921 F 215908tree icon - Moroccan Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.B:II.2(P5)]
105924 F 215908tree icon - Moroccan Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.B:II.5(P6)]
105943 M 215912tree icon - Colombian/Swiss Allergic rhinitis Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:37273120 [Fam.C:II.1(P8)]
106415 F 216011tree icon - Indian Atopy Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 4A PMID:38578568 [Fam.1:I.2(mother)]
106596 F 216087tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:I.2(P1)]
106599 M 216087tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:II.1(P2)]
106600 M 216087tree icon - French Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.1:II.2(P3)]
106604 M 216088tree icon - Afro-American Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.2:II.4(P7)]
106622 M 216091tree icon - Ashkenazi Jewish Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.4:II.1(P11)]
106625 F 216092tree icon - Admixed Allergic rhinitis Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.5:II.2(P13)]
106630 M 216093tree icon - Ashkenazi Jewish Food allergy Autoinflammation, immune dysregulation, and eosinophilia PMID:38563820 [Fam.6:II.1(P16)]
106807 F 216145tree icon - German Allergy Immunodeficiency, common variable, 14 PMID:34619682 [P.159]; PMID:39059757 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]

*Age: age reported at the first known time of manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).