Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Basic details

Preferred term: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Alt. terms: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

HPO term: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
HPO code: HP:0012539

GenIA ID: 54
Last updated on: 2021-12-10 17:55:48

Cross ref. with other ontologies

EFO: -
OAE: -
ICD10: C85.9


A type of lymphoma characterized microscopically by the absence of multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells.

Hierarchical classification

Reported patients added to GenIA DB

SubjectID Sex Fam.ID Age* Population MatchedTerm Diagnosis Reference &
101015 M 210203 - German Lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [Fam.MM:II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.MM:II.1(87)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F002:P002]; PMID:31857261 [Patient 3]
101023 M 210731 50,51 German B-cell lymphoma,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma PMID:34975878 [Fam.F008:P008]
101037 M 210182tree icon - Caucasian Lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:25329329 [Fam.B:II.4(B.II.3)]; PMID:30250467 [B.II.3]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.B:II.4(B.II.3 (15))]; PMID:27418640 [P13(5)]
101076 F 210226 53 German Non-Hodgkin lymphoma PMID:34975878 [Fam.F041:P041]
101088 M 211560 38 German Non-Hodgkin lymphoma PMID:34975878 [Fam.F054:P054]
101121 M 210784 47 German Lymphoma PMID:34975878 [Fam.F072:P072]
101133 M 210896 38 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 13 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F082:P082]
101155 M 210235 - German Lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [JJ.II.I]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.JJ:II.1(83)]; PMID:34975878 [Fam.F098:P098]
101160 F 211433 - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Infantile-Onset Multisystem Autoimmune Disease 1 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F101:P101]
101441 M 212174 19 North American Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:26206937 [P6]
101473 F 212398 2 Spanish B-cell lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:30386343 [Patient(II.1)]
101549 F 212463 - British Lymphoma Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:24136356 [Fam.E:I.1(P13)]
101808 F 211441 34,- Follicular lymphoma,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 2 PMID:34975878 [Fam.F265:P265]
101904 F 212312 - British B-cell lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 2 PMID:34390440 [HIES09]
102175 M 210725tree icon - Caucasian Lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [Fam.H:II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.H:II.1(29)]
102222 M 214917 44 German Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [BY.I.1]; PMID:35486341 [P074]; PMID:150198 [Fam.DJ:467]; PMID:36105815 [W295C]
102225 M 214920 - Romanian Lymphoma Immunodeficiency 40 PMID:35486341 [P063]
102660 M 214979tree icon 1 Moroccan B-cell lymphoma Immunodeficiency 8 PMID:23522482 [Fam.P3:V.1(P1)]
102661 F 214979tree icon 1 Moroccan B-cell lymphoma Immunodeficiency 8 PMID:23522482 [Fam.P3:V.2(P2)]
102803 F 214991tree icon 16,16 North American B-cell lymphoma,Lymphoma Immunodeficiency 8 PMID:25073507 [P1(II.2)]
102934 F 215035tree icon - Caucasian B-cell lymphoma T-cell lymphopenia with or without nail dystrophy, AD PMID:31447097 [P23]; PMID:33464451 [P14(III.1)]; PMID:37419334 [P23(22)]
103027 F 215087tree icon - Hungarian B-cell lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:20159255 [UPN133]; PMID:18706697 [Fam.2:I.2(N1)]
103051 M 215095tree icon 9 Finnish B-cell lymphoma Seizures, cortical blindness, microcephaly syndrome PMID:33662367 [Fam.F1:II.7(P1)]
103076 F 215099tree icon 3 Omani B-cell lymphoma Seizures, cortical blindness, microcephaly syndrome PMID:33662367 [Fam.F5:V.5(P6)]
103292 F 215114 49 German B-cell lymphoma Immunodeficiency 82 with systemic inflammation PMID:33782605 [P5]
103293 M 215115 51 B-cell lymphoma Immunodeficiency 82 with systemic inflammation PMID:33782605 [P6]
103788 M 215242tree icon - South Korean Lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:19348930 [Patient(II.1)]
103929 M 215279 34 French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K10:P12]
103938 M 215285 17 French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K16:P20]
103946 F 215290 8 French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K20:P25]
103947 F 215291 21 French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22751495 [Fam.K21:P26]
104326 F 215465 - B-cell lymphoma B-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:24837465 [4]
104327 M 215466 - B-cell lymphoma B-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:24837465 [5]
104329 U 215468 - NK/T-cell lymphoma NK/T-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:25586472 [S614R]
104330 U 215469 - NK/T-cell lymphoma NK/T-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:25586472 [D661Y]
104331 U 215470 - NK/T-cell lymphoma NK/T-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:25586472 [A702T]
104357 M 215496 - French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P2]
104361 M 215500 - French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P6]
104365 F 215504 - French Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome 1 PMID:22084479 [P10]
104462 F 215532tree icon 49 European Follicular lymphoma Early-onset atopic inflammation PMID:36884218 [Fam.F:I.1(P7)]; PMID:37316763 [Fam.Patient:I.2(mother)]
104845 F 215579tree icon 35 European Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:26279205 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II2)]; PMID:29403474 [Fam.NZ (5):II.2(II2)]; PMID:29806948 [Fam.NZ:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:30323807 [Fam.2:II.2(II.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AC:II.2(109)]
105173 M 215659 - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma PMID:27102614 [Fam.A:I.1(father)]
105177 M 215661 - Caucasian Lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [L.II.2]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.L:II.2(L.II.2 (36))]; PMID:27102614 [Fam.C:II.2(4)]
105256 F 210008tree icon - German B-cell lymphoma PMID:32278790 [Fam.AU:I.2(I.2)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AM:I.2(153)]
105280 M 215685tree icon 68 European Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.B:I.1(I.1)]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.B:I.1(I:1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AV:I.1(242)]
105302 M 215686tree icon - European B-cell lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [Fam.C:II.5(II.5)]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.C:II.5(II:5)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AW:II.5(251)]
105314 F 215689 59 European Follicular lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [F.II.1]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.F:II.1(II:1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.AZ:265]; PMID:36105815 [V98D]
105338 U 215700 63 European T-cell lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [K.II.1]; PMID:29477724 [Fam.K:II.1(II:1)]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BE:280]
105463 M 215772tree icon 51 Russian B-cell lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:32278790 [AO.I.1]; PMID:150198 [Fam.BS:I.1(317)]; PMID:31803180 [Fam.B:I.1(S2)]; PMID:34619682 [P.122]
105591 F 215821 16 Caucasian Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Activated p110-delta syndrome 1 PMID:24610295 [Fam.2:II.1(F2P2)]
105910 F 215905 -,45 Caucasian Lymphoma,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [K.II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.K:II.1(K.II.1 (33))]
106042 M 215927 22,-,22 North American Burkitt lymphoma,Lymphoma,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:30250467 [FF.II.1]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.FF:II.1(FF.II.1 (77))]
106090 M 215946tree icon - Saudi B-cell lymphoma T-cell immunodeficiency with thymic aplasia PMID:33464451 [P11]; PMID:37419334 [P11(27)]; PMID:31151968 [Fam.1:II.2(Patient)]
106145 M 215954 6 Slovak B-cell lymphoma T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy PMID:33464451 [P9]; PMID:37419334 [P9(27)]
106164 M 215963 - Turkish Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:31432443 [P8]
106166 M 215965 - Turkish Follicular lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:31432443 [P10]
106169 F 215968 - Turkish Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 PMID:31432443 [P13]
106222 F 215975tree icon 54 Finnish B-cell lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FM:IV.8(707)]; PMID:36356849 [Fam.2:IV.8(F2:IV:8)]
106251 M 215977 - Caucasian B-cell lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.13(UU.III.9 (112))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.7(III.3)]
106256 F 215977 - Caucasian Lymphoma PMID:30250467 [UU.III.3]; PMID:29729943 [Fam.UU:III.4(UU.III.3 (108))]; PMID:29305966 [Fam.IV.2:III.9(III.11)]
106321 M 215688tree icon - European Lymphoma PMID:150198 [Fam.AY:I.1(261)]; PMID:36105815 [Fam.I281M:I.1(father)]
106840 M 216167 - SouthEast Asian Burkitt lymphoma CTLA4 haploinsufficiency with autoimmune infiltration PMID:35242131 [3]
106939 M 216189tree icon 49 Caucasian B-cell lymphoma NFKB1 insufficiency PMID:150198 [Fam.FW:II.1(772)]; PMID:38423196 [Fam.1:II.1(P1)]
107136 M 216355 - T-cell lymphoma NK/T-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:23563237 [PTCL-1]
107137 F 216356 - T-cell lymphoma NK/T-cell lymphomas 1 PMID:23563237 [PTCL-2]

*Age: age reported at the first known time of manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).