Information on BLS1B
Basic details
Name: Bare lymphocyte syndrome type 1B | Acronym: BLS1B
Alt. names: MHC class I deficiency 2 | MHC1D2
Gene: TAP2 | MOI: Autosomal recessive | Mechanism of action:
No. of cases in DB: 0 | First reported in: 1994
Last updated on: 2023-02-28 16:41:18 by
It is characterized by the onset of chronic bacterial sinobronchial infections in the first or second decades of life. Nasal polyps are common, and chronic necrotizing granulomatous lesions affecting the nasal cavity, upper respiratory tract, or skin, which can be severe, may develop later. The disorder is progressive and patients may develop bronchiectasis and respiratory failure. Patient cells have decreased or absent expression of MHC type I (HLA class I) antigens on the cell surface (summary by de La Salle et al., 1994; Moins-Teisserenc et al., 1999)[source:OMIM]
Description of management option has not been reviewed yet.
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.
0 reported cases added to GenIA
SubjectID | Sex | Fam.ID | AD | AFM | Validity | Country | Population | Reference & Pub.code |
AD: Age at genetic diagnosis; AFM: age at first manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).
Summary of clinical findings
[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.
Summary of treatment outcomes
[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]
Treatment ⓘ | Responses & clinical indications |
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.