Information on IMD34

Basic details

Name: Immunodeficiency 34 | Acronym: IMD34
Alt. names:

Gene: CYBB | MOI: X-linked recessive | Mechanism of action: Loss of Function

No. of cases in DB: 0 | First reported in: 2011

Last updated on: 2023-02-28 16:41:18 by Andrés Caballero-Oteyza

OMIM: 306445

Orphanet: -





It results in predisposition to infections by poorly virulent mycobacteria, such as bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines and nontuberculous environmental bacteria. Affected individuals are also susceptible to the more virulent species Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Bustamante et al., 2007).[OMIM]


BCG vacine should be avoided, and recognition may allow prompt diagnosis and treatment of infectious manifestations; In Chronic granulomatous disease, X-linked, surveillance for infections and infectious complications is indicated, and preventive measures (eg, antibacterial/antifungal prophylaxis, interferon gamma) may be beneficial; To treat fungal infections, specific antifungal drugs may be beneficial, and longer treatment courses (as well as specific considerations including coadministration with corticosteroids) may be indicated in individuals with CGD; In some instances, HSCT may be beneficial; Certain agents should be avoided, including material that would allow fungal spore inhalation

Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

0 reported cases added to GenIA

SubjectID Sex Fam.ID AD AFM Validity Country Population Reference & Pub.code

AD: Age at genetic diagnosis; AFM: age at first manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).

Summary of clinical findings

[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]

Rank Clinical term Present Absent Unreported

Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

Summary of treatment outcomes

[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]

Treatment ⓘ Responses & clinical indications

Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.