Information on SPENCDI
Basic details
Name: Spondyloenchondrodysplasia with immune dysregulation | Acronym: SPENCDI
Alt. names: Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with combined immunodeficiency | Roifman-Melamed syndrome | SPENCD
Gene: ACP5 | MOI: Autosomal recessive | Mechanism of action: Loss of Function
No. of cases in DB: 0 | First reported in: 2011
Last updated on: 2024-07-28 20:27:31 by Xiao P. Peng
An immunoosseous dysplasia combining the typical metaphyseal and vertebral bone lesions of spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD) with immune dysfunction and neurologic involvement. The skeletal dysplasia is characterized by radiolucent and irregular spondylar and metaphyseal lesions that represent islands of chondroid tissue within bone. The vertebral bodies show dorsally accentuated platyspondyly with disturbance of ossification. Clinical abnormalities such as short stature, rhizomelic micromelia, increased lumbar lordosis, barrel chest, facial anomalies, and clumsy movements may be present (Menger et al., 1989). Central nervous system involvement includes spasticity, mental retardation, and cerebral calcifications, and immune dysregulation ranges from autoimmunity to immunodeficiency. Neurologic and autoimmune manifestations have been observed in different combinations within a single family, suggesting that this disorder may be defined by specific radiographic features but has remarkably pleiotropic manifestations (Renella et al., 2006). Briggs et al. (2016) also noted variability in skeletal, neurologic, and immune phenotypes, which was sometimes marked between members of the same family.[source:OMIM]
At least one report has suggested that treatment with JAK1/2 inhibition may help ameliorate some of the immune dysregulatory and inflammatory phenotypes associated with this condition (PMID: 38347954).
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.
0 reported cases added to GenIA
SubjectID | Sex | Fam.ID | AD | AFM | Validity | Country | Population | Reference & Pub.code |
AD: Age at genetic diagnosis; AFM: age at first manifestation; PMID: PubMed ID; GRID: GenIA reference ID (ref. not in PubMed).
Summary of clinical findings
[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.
Summary of treatment outcomes
[Considering only Definitive and Possible cases]
Treatment ⓘ | Responses & clinical indications |
Please mind that full curation of this condition has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.