Information on LRBA

Basic details

Alt. symbols: CDC4L | BGL | LAB300 | LBA

Approved name: LPS responsive beige-like anchor protein
Alt. names: LPS-responsive vesicle trafficking, beach and anchor containing

Location: 4q31.3: 150264435 - 151015727 (-)
Gene type: protein_coding, 23 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: 0.749000 | pLI: 0.04422944 | LOEUF: 0.417

HGNC: 1742

NCBI: 987, RefSeq: NG_032855.1

Ensembl: ENSG00000198589.15

LRG_1324 | Status: public

OMIM: 606453

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

LRBA encodes a member of the BEACH-WD40 protein family whose expression is induced in B cells and macrophages by bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LRBA associates with protein kinase A and may be involved in leading intracellular vesicles to activated receptor complexes, which aids in the secretion and/or membrane deposition of immune effector molecules. LRBA facilitates the recycling of CTLA4-containing vesicles in regulatory T cells, thereby controlling T-cell driven immune responses.

Dysfunction and disease

Biallelic missense, nonsense, frameshift and splice site mutations, as well as copy number changes, in LRBA have been associated with autosomal recessive CVID type 8 [OMIM:614700] in at least 139 patients, many of whom were identified in large cohorts of patients with CVID, PAD, ALPS, or autoimmunity by NGS (PMID: 26122175, 27379089, 29867916, 30363934, 31432443, 31942606, 33425813, 34975878). Affected individuals tend to have early onset, recurrent sinopulmonary infections and a broad spectrum of immune dysregulatory phenotypes such as cytopenias, pulmonary and GI disease (PMID: 26707784, 26768763, 27146671, 27888588, 28512785, 28884992, 31871423, 32154999, 32284663, 32506362, 32615565, 33774840). Autoimmune thyroid disease, hepatosplenomegaly or other signs of lymphoproliferation, atopies, and infiltrative CNS disease may also be present (PMID: 31857261). Some patients may also present with HLH or an ALPS-like phenotype (PMID: 31432443, 34120644). Most patients show low Treg, switched memory B cell and plasmablast levels, while more variable immunologic findings include hypogammaglobulinemia, impaired vaccine responses, or abnormalities in B, T or NK cell counts. Lopez-Herrera et al. (2012) identified the first 4 LRBA mutations in 5 CVID patients (PMID: 22608502), with one point mutation likely destabilizing the protein, while 3 others led to absent protein expression. All patients showed reduced switched memory B-cells levels, and LRBA-deficient B cells cultured under conditions favoring CSR and plasmablast development failed to proliferate, differentiate into antibody-secreting cells, or induce plasmablast markers, while LRBA-deficient EBV cells showed increased susceptibility to apoptosis. Moreover, the abnormal accumulation of organelles in B cells and low colocalization of LC3 with lysosomes suggested that this increased susceptibility to apoptosis might be a consequence of defective LRBA-mediated autophagy. This hypothesis is consistent with prior data showing showing that LRBA colocalizes with lysosomes, the trans-Golgi network, the ER, the perinuclear ER, and endocytic vacuoles - all organelles that have been linked to autophagosomal metabolism (PMID: 11254716). Shortly thereafter, Alangari et al. (2012) identified a null LRBA mutation in 5 members of a large consanguineous family who all had early-onset IBD, though some had CID- or CVID-like features while others showed normal Ig levels, vaccine titers, T- and B-cell numbers, and proliferative responses (PMID: 22721650). Burns et al. (2012) then described a patient presenting with multiple autoimmune manifestations, elevated IgG levels, normal vaccine responses, and normal T cell populations and function who developed CVID secondary to rituximab treatment (PMID: 22981790). Lo et al. (2015) found a dramatic response of LRBA-deficient patients to abatacept, a CTLA4-Ig fusion drug, suggesting its potential regulation of CTLA-4 (PMID: 26206937). The authors supported this hypothesis by showing that LRBA colocalized with CTLA-4 in endosomal vesicles, that LRBA LOF increased CTLA-4 turnover and levels in FoxP3+ Tregs and activated Th cells, and that chloroquine-mediated inhibition of lysosome degradation prevented CTLA-4 loss in LRBA-deficient cells. Moreover, as LRBA deficiency leads to functional CTLA-4 loss, patients with the former would also be expected to show abnormalities on transendocytosis assay as well (PMID: 28159733). [Load More]

[Reviewed by Xiao P. Peng on 2022-07-10 09:31:10]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
CVID8 Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8 ARdict. icon Loss of Function 614700www icon 174 (146 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Transcripts of LRBA

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
208 ENST00000510413.5 CCDS58928 protein_coding 57 No 10032 NM_001199282
219 ENST00000651943.2 1 Select protein_coding 57 Yes 10148 NM_001364905
218 ENST00000651695.2 protein_coding 57 No 7321 NM_001367550
201 ENST00000357115.9 CCDS3773 protein_coding 58 No 10353 NM_006726
203 ENST00000503716.5 processed_transcript 18 No XM_017008873

Published variants

Found 76 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients
EX57-1G>C IN56 c.8469-1G>C splice_acceptor_variant Pathogenic 1
I2813P EX56 8739-8740 c.8437_8438delinsCC p.Ile2813Pro missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 2
K2801N EX56 8705 c.8403G>C p.Lys2801Asn missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
A2773G EX56 8620 c.8318C>G p.Ala2773Gly missense_variant Uncertain significance 1
N2716Hfs*13 EX55 8447-8448 c.8145_8146insCATG p.Asn2716HisfsTer13 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 3
S2703Hfs*26 EX54 8408-8409 c.8106_8107insCATG p.Ser2703HisfsTer26 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 3
S2648* EX53 8245 c.7943C>A p.Ser2648Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 6
I2646S EX53 8239 c.7937T>G p.Ile2646Ser missense_variant Pathogenic 6
I2646L EX53 8238 c.7936A>C p.Ile2646Leu missense_variant Pathogenic 1
A2530Cfs*2 EX50 7889-7890 c.7587_7588insT p.Ala2530CysfsTer2 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 3
A2524V EX50 7873 c.7571C>T p.Ala2524Val missense_variant Pathogenic 1
Q2495* EX50 7785 c.7483C>T p.Gln2495Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
S2446* EX48 7639 c.7337C>G p.Ser2446Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
T2388Pfs*8 EX47 7464 c.7162del p.Thr2388ProfsTer8 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 3
K2347N EX46 7343 c.7041G>T p.Lys2347Asn missense_variant Pathogenic 1
R2337* EX46 7311 c.7009C>T p.Arg2337Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 5
Y2277Mfs*29 EX45 7131 c.6829del p.Tyr2277MetfsTer29 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 2
V2238F EX44 7014 c.6712G>T p.Val2238Phe missense_variant Pathogenic 1
I2221T EX43 6964 c.6662T>C p.Ile2221Thr missense_variant Uncertain significance 1
E2208Dfs*3 EX43 6926-6927 c.6624_6625del p.Glu2208AspfsTer3 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 5
R2203* EX43 6909 c.6607C>T p.Arg2203Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
EX41+1G>C IN41 c.6448+1G>C splice_donor_variant Pathogenic 2
EX40DEL (?_150588048-150588184_?) EX40 6496-6631 c.6194-?_6329+?del p.? exon_loss_variant Pathogenic 2
C1935Wfs*4 EX37 6107 c.5805del p.Cys1935TrpfsTer4 frameshift_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
I1875Sfs*14 EX35 5925 c.5623del p.Ile1875SerfsTer14 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
EX35-1G>A IN34 c.5581-1G>A splice_acceptor_variant Pathogenic 1
C1843Afs*2 EX34 5829 c.5527del p.Cys1843AlafsTer2 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
I1836* EX33 5807 c.5505del p.Ile1836Ter frameshift_variant Likely Pathogenic 2
L1834P EX33 5803 c.5501T>C p.Leu1834Pro missense_variant Pathogenic 1
EX31-2A>G IN30 c.5172-2A>G splice_acceptor_variant Pathogenic 2
EX1_30DEL EX1-30 1-5473 c.-65457_5171+476del p.? transcript_ablation Pathogenic 1
EX30DEL (?_150828180-150828621_?) EX30 5031-5473 c.4729-?_5171+?del p.? exon_loss_variant Pathogenic 1
Q1715* EX30 5445 c.5143C>T p.Gln1715Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
V1695A EX30 5386 c.5084T>C p.Val1695Ala missense_variant Uncertain significance 0
R1683* EX30 5349 c.5047C>T p.Arg1683Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
S1605* EX30 5116 c.4814C>G p.Ser1605Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 3
T1587Gfs*7 EX30 5061-5065 c.4759_4763del p.Thr1587GlyfsTer7 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
EX29+3insT IN29 c.4729+2_4729+3insT splice_region_variant Pathogenic 2
R1445Q EX26 4636 c.4334G>A p.Arg1445Gln missense_variant Pathogenic 2
R1445* EX26 4635 c.4333C>T p.Arg1445Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
Q1363H EX25 4391 c.4089A>T p.Gln1363His missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
I1330Nfs*18 EX24 4290-4291 c.3988_3989insA p.Ile1330AsnfsTer18 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
D1329Yfs*18 EX24 4287-4288 c.3985_3986del p.Asp1329TyrfsTer18 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 3
R1271* EX23 4113 c.3811C>T p.Arg1271Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 3
S1233F EX23 4000 c.3698C>T p.Ser1233Phe missense_variant Pathogenic 1
N1217Sfs*7 EX23 3950-3953 c.3648_3651del p.Asn1217SerfsTer7 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 2
N1132Kfs*8 EX23 3698-3699 c.3396_3397del p.Asn1132LysfsTer8 frameshift_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
A1123Sfs*2 EX23 3668-3669 c.3366_3367insA p.Ala1123SerfsTer2 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
D1053Tfs*2 EX23 3458 c.3156del p.Asp1053ThrfsTer2 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 5
S993* EX23 3280 c.2978C>G p.Ser993Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
N988Mfs*8 EX23 3265 c.2963del p.Asn988MetfsTer8 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
I965Afs*32 EX23 3195-3203 c.2893_2901delinsGCCAGATATATAT p.Ile965AlafsTer32 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
E946* EX23 3138-3141 c.2836_2839del p.Glu946Ter frameshift_variant Pathogenic 5
A892T EX22 2976 c.2674G>A p.Ala892Thr missense_variant Uncertain significance 2
C832* EX21 2798 c.2496C>A p.Cys832Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
P816Lfs*4 EX20 2748 c.2447del p.Pro816LeufsTer4 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 5
Q678* EX16 2334 c.2032C>T p.Gln678Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
EX15+2T>C IN15 c.2004+2T>C splice_donor_variant Pathogenic 1
R655* EX15 2265 c.1963C>T p.Arg655Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
M589Dfs*18 EX14 2066-2067 c.1764_1765insG p.Met589AspfsTer18 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
Y485* EX11 1757 c.1455C>A p.Tyr485Ter stop_gained Likely Pathogenic 1
Q474* EX11 1722 c.1420C>T p.Gln474Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
M467V EX11 1701 c.1399A>G p.Met467Val missense_variant Uncertain significance 1
S462Kfs*7 EX11 1685-1686 c.1383_1384ins35 p.Ser462LysfsTer7 stop_gained Pathogenic 1
C358Y EX9 1375 c.1073G>A p.Cys358Tyr missense_variant Pathogenic 1
EX8+1G>A IN8 c.1014+1G>A splice_donor_variant Pathogenic 1
V290Efs*3 EX7 1171-1172 c.869_870del p.Val290GlufsTer3 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 2
EX6_EX6+9del EX6 1069-? c.767_767+9del splice_donor_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
D248Efs*3 EX6 1045-1046 c.743_744insAAGA p.Asp248GlufsTer3 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 2
D248G EX6 1045 c.743A>G p.Asp248Gly missense_variant Pathogenic 2
W225* EX6 977 c.675G>A p.Trp225Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 2
EX6-1G>A IN5 c.646-1G>A splice_acceptor_variant Pathogenic 2
R182* EX4 846 c.544C>T p.Arg182Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 3
K175* EX4 824-825 c.522_523insT p.Lys175Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
EX1_2DEL EX1-2 1-518 c.-67608_216+43290del p.? exon_loss_variant Pathogenic 1
E59* EX2 477 c.175G>T p.Glu59Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 3

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
2018Uniparental disomy30386343Girl found to carry a homozygous c.3366insA mutation due to Chr4 uniparental (maternal) isodisomy. She presented at 8 months with T1D, psoriasis, oral thrush, and hepatosplenomegaly. She later experienced recurrent bacterial and viral infections, including pneumococcal meningitis and EBV viremia. She underwent two stem cell transplants at the ages 8 and 9, but ultimately died.
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in LRBA

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants
28 2016 The extended phenotype of LPS-responsive beige-like anchor p... JACI 26768763 19
29 2012 Deleterious Mutations in LRBA Are Associated with a Syndrome... Am. J. Hum. Genet. 22608502 3
31 2012 LPS-responsive beige-like anchor (LRBA) gene mutation in a f... JACI 22721650 1
32 2015 Atypical Manifestation of LRBA Deficiency with Predominant I... IBD 25479458 1
33 2015 Regulatory T-cell deficiency and immune dysregulation, polye... JACI 25468195 2
34 2016 Infancy-Onset T1DM, Short Stature, and Severe Immunodysregul... J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab 26745254 1
35 2017 Recessively Inherited LRBA Mutations Cause Autoimmunity Pres... Diabetes 28473463 10
36 2016 Genetic Diagnosis Using Whole Exome Sequencing in Common Var... Front. Immunol. 27379089 4
37 2018 Two male siblings with a novel LRBA mutation presenting with... JMM 30479781 1
39 2018 Polyautoimmunity in Patients with LPS-Responsive Beige-Like ... Immun. Invest. 29528757 7
40 2012 LRBA gene deletion in a patient presenting with autoimmunity... JACI 22981790 1
41 2015 Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome-like disease in pati... Clin. Immunol. 25931386 2
42 2016 Atypical Manifestation of LPS-Responsive Beige-Like Anchor D... Front.. Pediatr. 27683652 1
43 2016 LRBA deficiency with autoimmunity and early onset chronic er... Clin. Immunol. 27057999 1
45 2016 Spectrum of Phenotypes Associated with Mutations in LRBA... JoCI 26707784 3
47 2015 Patients with LRBA deficiency show CTLA4 loss and immune dys... Science 26206937 5
49 2017 Clinical, immunologic, molecular analyses and outcomes of ir... PAI 28512785 3
50 2018 Evaluating the Genetics of Common Variable Immunodeficiency:... Front. Immunol. 29867916 1
51 2018 LRBA Deficiency in a Patient With a Novel Homozygous Mutatio... Front. Immunol. 30386343 1
118 2021 Establishing the Molecular Diagnoses in a Cohort of 291 Pati... Front. Immunol. 34975878 4
894 2018 Common Variable Immunodeficiency with Genetic Defects Identi... Biomed Res. Int. 30363934 3
914 2016 LPS-Responsive Beige-Like Anchor Gene Mutation Associated Wi... Acta med. Iran. 27888588 1
922 2019 Bone marrow transplantation with Favorable outcome in three ... Clin. Immunol. 31026575 1
931 2020 Monogenic Inflammatory Bowel Disease: It's Never Too Late to... Front. Immunol. 33013830 1
944 2017 Multiple Presentations of LRBA Deficiency: a Single-Center E... JoCI 28956255 1
948 2019 A Spectrum of Clinical Findings from ALPS to CVID: Several N... JoCI 31432443 11
1013 2019 Structural Noninfectious Manifestations of the Central Nervo... J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. 31857261 2
1020 2019 Clinical Manifestations, Immunological Characteristics and G... Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 31117086 1
1116 2021 Diagnostic Yield and Therapeutic Consequences of Targeted Ne... Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 34619682 1

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