Information on NLRP12

Basic details

Alt. symbols: NALP12 | RNO2 | PYPAF7 | Monarch1 | PAN6 | CLR19.3

Approved name: NLR family pyrin domain containing 12
Alt. names: NACHT, leucine rich repeat and PYD containing 12 | nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 12

Location: 19q13.42: 53792139 - 53824403 (-)
Gene type: protein_coding, 6 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: 0.275000 | pLI: 0.00000000 | LOEUF: 1.355

HGNC: 22938

NCBI: 91662, RefSeq: NG_008651.2

Ensembl: ENSG00000142405.24

LRG_181 | Status: public

OMIM: 609648

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

The NLRP12 gene encodes the protein monarch-1, a member of a family of proteins called nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing (NLR) proteins, which are mainly found in the cytoplasm of certain types of leukocytes. NLR proteins help to regulate the immune system's response to injury, toxins, or invasion by microorganisms. Unlike most NLR proteins that promote increased activity by the immune system, monarch-1 inhibits the release of certain cytokines that are involved in the process of inflammation.

Dysfunction and disease

Heterozygous loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in NLRP12 have been associated with Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome 2 (FCAS2) [OMIM: 611762], an extremely rare AD inherited disorder mainly characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation. The first reported patients suffered from arthralgia, periodic fever, and cold-induced urticaria, with spontaneous improvement during adolescence and functional studies demonstrating that their variants exerted a deleterious effect on NF-kapp aB signaling (PMID: 18230725). Since then, additional nonsense and missense NLRP12 variants have been identified in individuals with periodic fever syndromes, cold-induced autoinflammatory disease and even common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). It has been proposed that these latter mutations do not impair NF-kappaB activation so much as trigger speck formation and activation of caspase 1 signaling, but a unifying understanding of NLRP12-related pathogenesis remains elusive. [Load More]

[Reviewed by Xiao P. Peng on 2022-06-21 16:24:45]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
FCAS2 Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome 2 ADdict. icon 611762www icon 2 (2 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Transcripts of NLRP12

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
204 ENST00000391773.8 2 CCDS62785 protein_coding 10 No 3635 NM_001277126
202 ENST00000345770.9 protein_coding 9 No 3547 XM_047439674
201 ENST00000324134.11 1 CCDS12864 Select protein_coding 10 Yes 3634 NM_144687
205 ENST00000391775.7 CCDS62784 protein_coding 9 No 3465 NM_001277129

Published variants

Found 3 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients
R352C EX3 1283 c.1054C>T p.Arg352Cys missense_variant Risk allele 2
H304Y EX3 1139 c.910C>T p.His304Tyr missense_variant Likely Benign 0
T260M EX3 1008 c.779C>T p.Thr260Met missense_variant Uncertain significance 1

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Uniparental disomy-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in NLRP12

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants
52 2015 Application of whole genome and RNA sequencing to investigat... Clin. Immunol. 26122175 1
103 2011 Identification and functional consequences of a recurrent NL... Arthr. & Rheum. 21538323 1
118 2021 Establishing the Molecular Diagnoses in a Cohort of 291 Pati... Front. Immunol. 34975878 1
318 2016 Next-generation sequencing and its initial applications for ... Ann. Rheum. Dis. 26386126 2
341 2015 Genetic profiling of autoinflammatory disorders in patients ... Ped. Rheum. 25866490 1
342 2016 Identification of a Novel NLRP12 Nonsense Mutation (Trp408X)... Plos one 27314497 1
343 2020 Recent advances in elucidating the genetics of common variab... Genes & Dis. 32181273 1
344 2018 Neither hereditary periodic fever nor periodic fever, aphtha... World J. Clin. Pediatr. 29456932 1
345 2017 Clinical impact of a targeted next-generation sequencing gen... Plos one 28750028 1

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