Information on ADA2

Basic details

Alt. symbols: IDGFL | CECR1 | ADGF

Approved name: adenosine deaminase 2
Alt. names: cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1

Location: 22q11.1: 17178790 - 17258235 (-)
Gene type: protein_coding, 30 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: 0.161000 | pLI: 0.00005253 | LOEUF: 1.070

HGNC: 1839

NCBI: 51816, RefSeq: NG_033943.1

Ensembl: ENSG00000093072.19

LRG_1217 | Status: public

OMIM: 607575

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

ADA2 encodes a secreted enzyme predominantly expressed by myeloid and endothelial cells that regulates purine metabolism by breaking down extracellular signaling molecules adenosine and 2′-deoxyadenosine at sites of inflammation. ADA2 requires elevated adenosine levels for optimal enzyme activity, approx to 100 uM, which is several fold higher than the normal extracellular Adenosine concentration. For this reason the deamination of extracellular Adenosine by ADA2 is still debated. Independently of its enzymatic activity, ADA2 is also thought to exert growth factor-like properties by binding cell surfaces via proteoglycans to help regulate cell proliferation and differentiation (PMID: 20453107, 20147294). It has more recently been suggested that ADA2 is a lysosomal DNase that contributes to type I IFN activation via this role, but this is not currently a widely accepted stance (

Dysfunction and disease

Biallelic ADA2 mutations lead to deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2) [OMIM: 615688], a pleiotropic and multi-faceted AR syndrome characterized by early-onset recurrent fevers and variable degrees of vasculopathy/vasculitis ranging from livedo racemosa and reticularis to polyarteritis nodosa to recurrent life-threatening ischemic and/or hemorrhagic strokes. Hematologic complications may present as pure red cell aplasia, immune cytopenias or bone marrow failure, while immunodeficiency can present as a CVID-like phenotype with or without lymphoproliferative features (PMID: 29951947, 34845942). Patients with DADA2 have been identified globally, with prevalence estimated at as high as 1:25,000, based on allele frequencies of in silico-predicted ADA2 damaging variants. However, carrier frequencies for the two most common mutations (Gly47Arg and Arg169Gln) in specific populations may be much higher (1:10-500) as a consequence of founder population and population bottleneck effects (PMID: 29391253, GeneReviews). ADA2 mutations are located throughout the protein and can affect a broad spectrum of functions, including catalytic activity, dimerization and interactions with other proteins, and enzyme trafficking and secretion via N-glycosylation (PMID: 30406060). Carrier heterozygotes are unaffected as far as known. Historically, few to no genotype-phenotype correlations were identified, but more recent data suggests that disease severity may correlate with enzyme activity, with low or absent activity associated with severe hematological manifestations, and higher residual activity linked to inflammatory vascular phenotypes (PMID: 31945408). Please see entry on Sneddon syndrome for specific discussion of this phenotypic label. [Load More]

[Reviewed by Xiao P. Peng on 2024-11-11 08:37:45]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
DADA2 Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency ARdict. icon Loss of Function 615688www icon 108 (67 fams)
SNDNS Sneddon syndrome ARdict. icon 182410www icon 0 (0 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Transcripts of ADA2

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
206 ENST00000449907.8 CCDS63395 protein_coding 10 No 2072 NM_001282227
204 ENST00000399839.5 CCDS13742 protein_coding 10 No 3986 XM_011546133
210 ENST00000610390.5 CCDS74809 protein_coding 9 No 4137 NM_001282229
215 ENST00000649540.1 CCDS63395 protein_coding 10 No 1932 NM_001282228
202 ENST00000330232.9 CCDS13743 protein_coding 7 No 3195 NM_177405
203 ENST00000399837.8 1 CCDS13742 Select protein_coding 10 Yes 4355 NM_001282225,NM_001282226
223 ENST00000696220.1 protein_coding No XM_047441407
229 ENST00000696226.1 protein_coding No XM_047441406

Published variants

Found 47 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients
770Kb-(WholeGene)-DEL EX1_10 c.1_4355del p.? transcript_ablation Pathogenic 4
V458D EX9 1499 c.1373T>A p.Val458Asp missense_variant Pathogenic 3
Y453C EX9 1484 c.1358A>G p.Tyr453Cys missense_variant Pathogenic 6
L451F EX9 1479 c.1353G>T p.Leu451Phe missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 0
V418L EX9 1378 c.1252G>T p.Val418Leu missense_variant Uncertain significance 0
C408Y EX8 1349 c.1223G>A p.Cys408Tyr missense_variant Pathogenic 3
G383S EX8 1273 c.1147G>A p.Gly383Ser missense_variant Pathogenic 3
N370K EX8 1236 c.1110C>A p.Asn370Lys missense_variant Pathogenic 2
EX7-DEL EX7 1099-1206 c.973-?_1081+?del p.(Val325Thrfs*7) feature_truncation Likely Pathogenic 0
T360A EX7 1204 c.1078A>G p.Thr360Ala missense_variant Pathogenic 3
G358R EX7 1198 c.1072G>A p.Gly358Arg missense_variant Pathogenic 1
A357T EX7 1195 c.1069G>A p.Ala357Thr missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
F355L EX7 1191 c.1065C>A p.Phe355Leu missense_variant Uncertain significance 1
L351Q EX7 1178 c.1052T>A p.Leu351Gln missense_variant Pathogenic 2
E328D EX7 1110 c.984G>C p.Glu328Asp missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 3
E328K EX7 1108 c.982G>A p.Glu328Lys missense_variant Pathogenic 4
EX7-1G>A IN6 c.973-1G>A EX6-skipping ALTERS SPLICING! Pathogenic 1
EX7-2A>G IN6 c.973-2A>G splice_acceptor_variant Pathogenic 3
EX6+3A>G IN6 c.972+3A>G splice_region_variant Pathogenic 1
M309I EX6 1053 c.927G>A p.Met309Ile missense_variant Likely Benign 0
R306* EX6 1042 c.916C>T p.Arg306Ter stop_gained Pathogenic 1
W264S EX5 917 c.791G>C p.Trp264Ser missense_variant Pathogenic 1
P251P EX4 879 c.753G>A p.Pro251= splice_region_variant Pathogenic 1
P251L EX4 878 c.752C>T p.Pro251Leu missense_variant Pathogenic 16
R248X EX4 870 c.744del p.Arg248SerfsTer19 frameshift_variant Uncertain significance 1
M243R EX4 854 c.728T>G p.Met243Arg missense_variant Pathogenic 2
Y227C EX4 806 c.680A>G p.Tyr227Cys missense_variant Uncertain significance 1
P193L EX4 704 c.578C>T p.Pro193Leu missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
EX3+1G>A IN3 c.542+1G>A splice_donor_variant Pathogenic 1
F178S EX3 659 c.533T>C p.Phe178Ser missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 0
R169Q EX3 632 c.506G>A p.Arg169Gln missense_variant Pathogenic 27
H112Q EX3 462 c.336C>G p.His112Gln missense_variant Pathogenic 3
A109D EX3 452 c.326C>A p.Ala109Asp missense_variant Pathogenic 1
I93T EX2 404 c.278T>C p.Ile93Thr missense_variant Pathogenic 3
L92V EX2 400 c.274C>G p.Leu92Val missense_variant Uncertain significance 4
K55- EX2 289-291 c.163_165del p.Lys55del inframe_deletion Pathogenic 2
-48-49X EX2 270-271 c.144dup p.Arg49AlafsTer13 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 2
R49Gfs*4 EX2 270 c.144del p.Arg49GlyfsTer4 frameshift_variant Pathogenic 1
G47V EX2 266 c.140G>T p.Gly47Val missense_variant Pathogenic 1
G47A EX2 266 c.140G>C p.Gly47Ala missense_variant Pathogenic 5
G47R EX2 265 c.139G>C p.Gly47Arg missense_variant Pathogenic 6
G47R EX2 265 c.139G>A p.Gly47Arg missense_variant Pathogenic 32
F23Sfs*7 EX2 194-197 c.68_71del p.Phe23SerfsTer7 frameshift_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
R9W EX2 151 c.25C>T p.Arg9Trp missense_variant Likely Pathogenic 1
M1T EX2 128 c.2T>C p.Met1? start_lost Pathogenic 3
28Kb-(5'UTR)-DEL EX1 1-80 c.-46_-126del p.? exon_loss_variant Pathogenic 1
EX1-114del EX1 309 c.-114delC p.? 5_prime_utr_variant Pathogenic 2

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Uniparental disomy-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in ADA2

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants
118 2021 Establishing the Molecular Diagnoses in a Cohort of 291 Pati... Front. Immunol. 34975878 4
279 2017 Screening of 181 Patients With Antibody Deficiency for Defic... Arthr. & Rheum. 28493328 10
383 2018 Deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 in adult siblings: Many ... Front. Immunol. 29963054 2
384 2014 Early-onset stroke and vasculopathy associated with mutation... N. Engl. J. Med. 24552284 9
385 2014 Mutant Adenosine Deaminase 2 in a Polyarteritis Nodosa Vascu... N. Engl. J. Med. 24552285 5
400 2016 Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 Causes Antibody Deficien... JoCI 26922074 2
487 2016 Phenotypic variability in patients with ADA2 deficiency due ... Rheumatology 26867732 1
488 2015 Unexplained early-onset lacunar stroke and inflammatory skin... Neurology 25888558 1
529 2021 Detailed analysis of Japanese patients with adenosine deamin... JACI 33529688 11
549 2017 Autoimmune phenotype with type i interferon signature in two... Ped. Rheum. 28830446 2
575 2017 Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 (DADA2), an Inherited Ca... Curr. Rheumatol. Rep. 28983775 26
576 2019 Identification of Novel Adenosine Deaminase 2 Gene Variants ... Arthritis Rheumatol. 31008556 8
791 2014 Novel adenosine deaminase 2 mutations in a child with a fata... Eur. J. Pediatr. 24737293 2
792 2014 Mutations in CECR1 associated with a neutrophil signature in... Pediatr. Rheumatol. Online J. 25278816 3
1007 2014 Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation rescues the immunolo... JACI 25457153 1
1013 2019 Structural Noninfectious Manifestations of the Central Nervo... J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. 31857261 1
1304 2014 Mutant ADA2 in vasculopathies(3)... N. Engl. J. Med. 25075847 2
1306 2014 Mutant ADA2 in vasculopathies(1)... N. Engl. J. Med. 25075845 1
1307 2014 Mutant ADA2 in vasculopathies(2)... N. Engl. J. Med. 25075846 1
1309 2014 Mutant ADA2 in vasculopathies(4)... N. Engl. J. Med. 25075848 1
1310 2016 IL-17 receptor A and adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency in sib... JACI 26607704 1
1314 2018 ADA2 Deficiency Mimicking Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman ... Pediatrics 30139808 1
1385 2015 A Case Series of Adenosine Deaminase 2-deficient Patients Em... J. Rheumatol. 26233953 1
1431 2015 Dermatologic Features of ADA2 Deficiency in Cutaneous Polyar... JAMA Dermatol. 26131734 2
1432 2016 Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency presenting as spastic parap... J Neurology 26914925 2
1490 2016 Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase Type 2: A Description of P... Arthritis Rheumatol. 27059682 7
1493 2016 Novel compound heterozygous variants in CECR1 gene associate... Rheumatology 27069017 2

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