Information on TBX1

Basic details

Alt. symbols: VCF | CATCH22

Approved name: T-box transcription factor 1
Alt. names: velocardiofacial syndrome, T-box 1

Location: 22q11.21: 19756703 - 19783593 (+)
Gene type: protein_coding, 8 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: | pLI: 0.98339679 | LOEUF: 0.427

HGNC: 11592

NCBI: 6899, RefSeq: NG_009229.1

Ensembl: ENSG00000184058.16

LRG_226 | Status: public

OMIM: 602054

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

The TBX1 gene encodes the protein T-box 1. Genes in the T-box family play important roles in the formation of tissues and organs during embryonic development. T-box proteins are transcription factors, and thus to carry out their function, they bind to specific areas of DNA to help control the activity of those target genes. The T-box 1 protein appears to be necessary for the normal development of muscles and bones of the face and neck, large arteries that carry blood out of the heart, structures in the ear, and glands such as the thymus and parathyroid. Although the T-box 1 protein acts as a transcription factor, it is not clear yet which genes are regulated by this protein.

Dysfunction and disease

Monoallelic mutations in this gene have been reported to cause several autosomal dominant and overlapping conditions known as Conotruncal anomaly face syndrome [MIM:217095], Velocardiofacial syndrome [MIM:192430], DiGeorge syndrome [MIM:188400], and Tetralogy of Fallot [MIM:187500]. The phenotypic features observed in these syndromes resemble those seen in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Loss or reduction in the amount of functional T-box 1 are associated with heart defects, cleft palate, (opening in the roof of the mouth), distinctive facial features, hearing loss, and low calcium levels. Some studies suggest that a loss of the TBX1 gene may also be associated with behavioral problems in affected individuals. [Load More]

[Reviewed by Andrés Caballero-Oteyza on 2021-07-14 12:11:55]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
3898 Conotruncal anomaly face syndrome ADdict. icon 217095www icon 0 (0 fams)
3899 Tetralogy of Fallot ADdict. icon 187500www icon 0 (0 fams)
22q11DS DiGeorge syndrome ADdict. icon 188400www icon 2 (2 fams)
5825 Velocardiofacial syndrome ADdict. icon 192430www icon 0 (0 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Transcripts of TBX1

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
202 ENST00000332710.8 1 CCDS13767 protein_coding 9 No 2084 NM_080647
206 ENST00000649276.2 Select protein_coding 7 Yes 2003 NM_001379200
201 ENST00000329705.11 CCDS13766 protein_coding 9 No 1465 NM_080646
203 ENST00000359500.7 CCDS13765 protein_coding 10 No 1538 NM_005992

Published variants

Found 1 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients
22q11.21-(WholeGene)-DEL EX1-7 1-2048 c.-67_1515del p.? transcript_ablation Likely Pathogenic 1

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not been completed yet. It is currently ongoing.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Uniparental disomy-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in TBX1

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants
537 2022 Copy Number Analysis in a Large Cohort Suggestive of Inborn ... JoCI 35486341 1

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