Information on ZBTB24

Basic details

Alt. symbols: ZNF450 | KIAA0441 | BIF1 | PATZ2

Approved name: zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24
Alt. names: zinc finger protein 450 | POZ (BTB) and AT hook containing zinc finger 2

Location: 6q21: 109460632 - 109483239 (-)
Gene type: protein_coding, 10 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: 0.532000 | pLI: 0.00020104 | LOEUF: 0.664

HGNC: 21143

NCBI: 9841, RefSeq: NG_029388.1

Ensembl: ENSG00000112365.6

LRG_326 | Status: public

OMIM: 614064

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

Dysfunction and disease

Immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome 2 [MIM:614069] [Load More]

[Gene NOT reviewed yet]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
ICF2 Immunodeficiency-Centromeric Instability-Facial Anomalies 2 ARdict. icon 614069www icon 0 (0 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

Transcripts of ZBTB24

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
201 ENST00000230122.4 1 CCDS34509 Select protein_coding 7 Yes 5501 NM_014797

Published variants

Found 0 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Uniparental disomy-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in ZBTB24

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants

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