Information on FCHO1

Basic details

Alt. symbols: KIAA0290

Approved name: FCH and mu domain containing endocytic adaptor 1
Alt. names: FCH domain only 1

Location: 19p13.11: 17747718 - 17788568 (+)
Gene type: protein_coding, 59 transcripts.

Scores: LoFtool: 0.396000 | pLI: 0.99899255 | LOEUF: 0.264

HGNC: 29002

NCBI: 23149, RefSeq: .0

Ensembl: ENSG00000130475.16

LRG_ | Status: none

OMIM: 613437

Expression | ProteinAtlas

Normal function

The FCH01 gene encodes the FCHO1 protein, a key molecule involved in the early stages of clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) formation. Lyszkiewicz, M. et al. (2020) showed that FCHO1 is important for internalisation of the TCR.

Dysfunction and disease

Biallelic mutations in this gene cause a novel form of combined immunodeficiency known as FCHO1 deficiency. Lyszkiewicz, M. et al. (Nat. Comm. 2020) recently reported the identification of ten unrelated patients with variable T and B cell lymphopenia, who were homozygous for six distinct loss of function mutations in FCHO1. They proved that these LOF mutations either led to mislocalisation of the protein or prevented its interaction with binding partners. They also observed impaired formation of clathrin coated pits (CCP) and perturbed internalisation of the TCR receptor in cells expressing mutant FCHO1 proteins. [Load More]

[Reviewed by Andrés Caballero-Oteyza on 2020-10-09 12:45:07]

Associated conditions

Acronym Condition's_name MOI Mode_of_actionwww icon OMIM_ID No.cases
IMD76 Immunodeficiency 76 ARdict. icon 619164www icon 0 (0 fams)

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published patients) of this gene has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

Transcripts of FCHO1

Name ENSEMBL_ID LRG_ID CCDS_ID MANE Transcript.type Exons Canonical CDS_length REFSEQ_ID
206 ENST00000594202.6 CCDS59365 protein_coding 29 No 3214 NM_001161357,NM_001384392
208 ENST00000595033.5 CCDS59366 protein_coding 27 No 2907 NM_001161359,NM_001384384,NM_001384385,NM_001384386,NM_001384406
234 ENST00000600676.5 CCDS32955 protein_coding 28 No 3094 NM_001161358
216 ENST00000596536.6 CCDS32955 Select protein_coding 29 Yes 3204 NM_001384377,NM_001384378,NM_001384379,NM_001384380,NM_001384381,NM_001384387,NM_015122
225 ENST00000598539.6 protein_coding 29 No 551 NM_001384394
218 ENST00000596951.6 CCDS32955 protein_coding 27 No 2979 NM_001384375,NM_001384376,NM_001384390
212 ENST00000596309.6 protein_coding 29 No 598 NM_001384371
235 ENST00000699176.1 CCDS32955 protein_coding 29 No NM_001384373,NM_001384374,NM_001384391
236 ENST00000699177.1 CCDS32955 protein_coding 29 No NM_001384372
248 ENST00000699207.1 CCDS32955 protein_coding 29 No NM_001384370
237 ENST00000699196.1 protein_coding No NM_001384405
238 ENST00000699197.1 protein_coding No NM_001384397,NM_001384399,NM_001384400,NM_001384401,NM_001384403
239 ENST00000699198.1 protein_coding No NM_001384393
240 ENST00000699199.1 protein_coding No XM_047438491
241 ENST00000699200.1 protein_coding No NM_001384396,NM_001384398,NM_001384404
243 ENST00000699202.1 protein_coding No NM_001384388,NM_001384389
244 ENST00000699203.1 protein_coding No NM_001384407
254 ENST00000699213.1 protein_coding No NM_001384395
257 ENST00000699216.1 protein_coding No NM_001384402

Published variants

Found 0 variants Exon/Intron cDNA_pos. CDS_change Prot.change Var.type Var.class. Patients

Please mind that full curation (inclusion of all published variants) of this gene has not started yet. Please contact us if you want to volunteer.

Diagnostic pitfalls & paradigms

Considerations to take into account when analyzing this gene

Year Paradigm ⓘ PMID Notes
- Regions of Homology -
-Cryptic splicing-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Uniparental disomy-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Mosaicism-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Incomplete penetrance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Di-/oligo-genic inheritance-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.
-Somatic reversion-Unreported or not recorded in our DB.

References linked to variants in FCHO1

ID Year Title Journal PMID Variants

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